

Lexine stared up at Taevlin for a few seconds without saying anything. "Are you serious?" She finally asked. "Although I may not seem like it, I pack a mean punch." She waved her fist in the air.

"If punching me will help your anger reduce, then I do not mind it either." He seriously considered her words, running a hand through his locks. This action caused the tie holding his hair in place to loosen, and his hair slipped through his fingers. "Shall you proceed to hit me right now? Or will it be later?"

Lexine was a bit shocked by how serious he was being. So, she gave him a small smirk, "If you kneel and apologize, I guess I can consider forgiving you."

Taevlin seemed taken aback by her comment. No one, not even his mother, had ever told him to kneel before them. He mulled over her words for a few seconds, before he finally looked down at her. Then, he began to move.
