

As Lexine continued to dance on Zhang, Taevlin realized that there was something off about her. Her energy signature, although it wasn't always calm, was usually pouring out of her like a steady stream. Now, though, the energy seemed to be pouring out of her in steady waves.

For one to manipulate an element, they had to perfect the amount of energy that poured out of them. Not to mention that they had to ensure the energy that poured out of them wasn't going to backlash on them if they used too much of it. This was one of the reasons instruments were used. They acted as the knob that controlled the amount the energy that they could use. At the same time, they assisted in manipulating an element over a long distance.

Taevlin stared at Lexine, watching her enticing dance, as if she wasn't dancing on someone's back, and realized what the problem was. She was expending too much of her energy, but there weren't any elements that were reacting to her energy.
