

Lexine walked silently behind Quira as they went to attend their morning class. There were dark bags under her eyes and she would yawn every five minutes, exhausted. She had been woken by the insistent banging of Aurinda outside her bedroom door. Having learned from their previous encounters, Lexine had began to lock her doors.

However, if Aurinda was unable to wake her, she would ensure that she could not sleep either. She made such a ruckus that it was impossible for anyone to sleep. Lexine was not exempted from this.

Aurinda would ignore the angry glares from the other females and give Lexine a smile. Every time, Lexine would be tempted to rip the smile off of Aurinda's face. Who on earth would have so much energy so early in the morning?!

As such, she had come to a conclusion that Aurinda was an alien.

