

The necklace was promptly unclasped from her neck by Aurinda. Immediately the necklace was removed, the three girls felt the air in the room shift. Aurinda chuckled nervously. The three girls took a step back from Lexine. Her energy signature had become even higher if that was even possible. It felt like they were suffocating slightly.

"Sorry." Aurinda was able to choke out. She handed the necklace back to Lexine. The moment the piece of jewelry was in her grasp, the air lightened out.

Lexine, however, was completely oblivious to how they were acting as she clasped the necklace back onto her neck. It was the first time in years that she had taken the necklace off.

"I am none of the things you may have pictured in your minds. I am human."

"Human?" Adley asked incredulously. "You cannot be human. Humans are not allowed in this school. How did you get in?"

"Your guess is as good as mine. I was brought here against my own will." Lexine shrugged. She needed to get them out of the room so that she could think. She studied the three females. Christana was noticeably shorter than the other two who could as well be twin sisters. They seemed to be in their own thoughts, standing in the middle of her room. Since they seemed friendly enough, she should probably get some answers about where she was and how the school functioned.

"Can I ask you guys a few questions?"

That snapped them out of their thoughts and they all sat on the couch that was in the room. Lexine noticed it was the furthest from her. Adley, being the mature one of the three, spoke up, "Ask us anything."

"What is this place? I mean, I was taken forcefully from the school I was in, brought here and no one is willing to give me answers and to be honest, I am getting a little bit pissed off." Lexine made herself comfortable on the bed. The three girls looked at each other as in debating on who was going to speak. Lexine watched with interest as they played a type of rock, paper, scissors. Adley was the loser.

"This is Eirene Academy. There are five species that study here. The first is the Drakkon, they are descendants of the dragons who evolved to take mundane form. The second are the Sylphs, these are water beings who manifested from creatures of the sea. Next, we have werewolves. They are the blessed children of the Moon Goddess, the Deity they worship. After that we have Shadow beings. They are beings that were born from the shadows. Lastly, there are the anthropoids. They are a species of enhanced humanity that have enhanced senses."

"So I am the only human here?" Lexine asked incredulously. The three girls nodded.

"It would be wise if you did not speak of your species. Although you have a higher energy signature than most, humans are still considered a species lower to every other species I have mentioned. I am quite sure that you will receive a difficult time here if you reveal that you are human."

"That she will." Aurinda spoke up and for the first time in the few minutes Lexine had known her, she looked serious, "Especially by people who want to prove their worth. Who better to disgrace than a little human. They will chew you then spit you out, Woods. Some will even see you as scum under their shoe."

"That they will." Adley nodded agreeing with Aurinda, before returning her gaze back to Lexine. "This you must let it remain in the confines of this room. Your energy signature may be strong but you do not know the customs of the different species. The only thing they have in common is their immediate distaste for humans."

"But, still, I cannot believe it sister, a human in our school." All three turned to look at Lexine.

Their gaze made a slight shiver run down Lexine's spine. What on earth had she gotten herself into. "We will let you rest for now. I am sure there are a lot of questions you have to ask, however it is nearly dinner time and you need to freshen up. But before we leave I must explain the working of the wardrobe to you. I will explain the music trunk later." Christana stood up and sauntered to the walking wardrobe.

She pulled on the handle. It did not open. "As you can see, I can not open this. Come." She gestured at Lexine who walked over. When she pulled on the handle, the wardrobe immediately opened. There were some clothes that were already hanged. They were black in color. She could not, however, see the back of the wardrobe. "In here you will find all the clothes you need. Each Wardrobe was forged by the best doormakers who are a sub-species of Shadow people. As you can see, the walking wardrobe has no end. It is because it accommodates all style of clothing. It all depends on the height of your imagination. You also just need to have seen the clothes before. No one can use another person's walking wardrobe and it is limited only to Eirene Academy students. However," she pointed at the clothes that were hanged, "I am assuming that is your uniform. I can only guess it is black because you are human, but I am not sure. Just sink your hand into the wardrobe, think about the clothing you want and you will be able to grab it."

"For dinner you are allowed to wear any clothing that you feel comfortable in that comes from your homeland," Adley added. "Judging from the smells in the air, dinner is almost ready. We need to freshen up before then. I approximate we have thirty minutes. You will get to meet our other housemates. With you as an addition, we are summed up to twelve."

Adley left the room first followed by Christa. "Do not be worried. If anything happens in the school, your housemates are entitled to help you." Aurinda said and patted her back. "Get ready for dinner."

Lexine watched as they left the room. She then sat on her bed with a huff. The first agenda, she was in another world where there were creatures like wolves and dragons. Second, she had been kidnapped to join the school with these creatures. Third, if she revealed she was human, they might kill her. She could feel a headache forming. "Just a typical day."

She stood and walked to the walking wardrobe. Her clothes were sticky from the day's events and she could use a shower. Opening the walking wardrobe, she followed the instructions given by Christana. She sunk her hand into the dark depths of the wardrobe and thought of her big black hoodie. Almost immediately, she felts something heavy fall into her palm. She closed her fist around it and pulled her hand out. Her eyes widened at the black fabric in her hand. It looked exactly like her hoodie from home. The material, however, was more silken and soft.

She took out a pair of matching sweatpants and white sneakers. "If I am going to dress up, I would rather be comfortable," she muttered to herself as she walked to one of the doors on the other side of the room. It led to a bathroom. Lexine felt close to squealing at the size of the bathroom. She took a quick shower and dressed.

Just as she was contemplating on changing into something more official-looking, the door to her room was knocked. Lexine slightly jumped at the sound. The thought of being hurt because she was human had got on her nerves now she was being spooked by every little thing. "Silly Lexine," she muttered as she went to open the doors.

Outside was Adley and the coal haired girl from before. "Woods, this is Lady Vesna, she is one of our housemates." The other girl simply nodded. "Are you done?" Adley looked down at Lexine's attire as Lexine looked down at hers.

She was dressed in leather from head to toe. Her shoulder-length blue hair was tied in a ponytail at the nape of her neck. The other female had a blue skirt like material covering her lower parts and a crop top looking piece of see-through cloth covering her upper body parts. Her sandal straps were entwined till her knees. Her coal hair was tied up in a ponytail. She was breathtaking.

The difference between the two females was easily visible and Lexine could not help but wonder what different species they were.

"Yes, I am. Lead the way."

They led her down the stairs to the ground floor where the eating area was. "Be calm. Breathe." Lexine muttered to herself. She was not going to get hurt here she hoped.

Vesna opened the door and led them in.

The room was in chaos when they walked in. There was a ring of fire on the left side of the room with a familiar brunette male trapped inside it. Christana was in front of him and her whole body was engulfed in flames. A guy with purple hair was holding a bow and arrow. He was aiming it at Artin who was balancing a ball of fire on each of his palms. Two arrows were lodged on the wall behind Artin. A boy with bubblegum pink hair was in the middle of the boy with purple hair and Artin. It looked like he was trying to stop them from fighting. Taevlin was seated at the dining area which was on the other side of the room. He did not even glance at the happenings of the room. The rest of the members were standing in the sidelines as if afraid to be caught in the crossfire.

When Lexine walked into the room, all eyes gravitated to her.

'So much for higher beings.' Lexine scoffed to herself as she looked at the mess that was the room.

"Not again," Adley muttered beside Lexine.

"This is a normal occurrence?" Lexine asked incredulously. She was ignored.

"You all have to stop this idiocy this instance!" Adley said in a deathly calm voice. The ring of fire disappeared and the purple-haired boy dropped his bow. The fireballs in Artin's hand fizzled out and Christina's fire sizzled down.

"You all should act your positions. It would be a shame if your parents saw these happenings." Adley scoffed. To Lexine, she sounded like a mother scolding her children. Artin and Christana even lowered their heads. The brunette male, Cardial if Lexine remembered correctly, did not back down and instead growled. "Do not try that with me Cardial." Adley hissed softly in return.

The atmosphere was tense. Sevin walked into the room from a door that was next to the dining table. "Dinner is ready." He paused at the door when he saw the state of disarray the room was in. "Did they go at it again?" Sounds of affirmation were made around the room. He sighed and rubbed his temples, "I have told you all to take your fights outside. Our housekeeper keeps on complaining and if she complains even once more to Headmaster we will be left to clean and maintain the house on our own."

"I apologize." Christana spat out not looking at Sevin but keeping her eyes trained on the brunette. "It will not happen again."

"It better not. Now Cardial, come assist me in bringing out the food." Sevin gestured to the brunette. He huffed but followed Sevin to the kitchen.

Lexine removed herself from the awkward situation by leaning on the wall and watching what would happen. Adley looked furious, Christina was still breathing smoke, Artin was standing stiffly as if waiting for the moment he would light his hands again.

"So I am guessing he found out?" Adley asked Aurinda who bounced up to them.

"That he did sister. It is safe to say that Cardial will be burnt to a crisp."

"Found out what?" Lexine asked but was promptly ignored again. She huffed, "Rude,"

Artin walked to Christana and patted her shoulder before whispering something in her ear. Christana nodded and slumped on the seat to the left of Taevlin who was at the head of the table. "We apologize for that, please let us all settle for dinner." Artin cleared his throat and sat on the other side of Taevlin. He took out a ribbon and handed it to Christana. She promptly tied her long red hair in a ponytail. Lexine could not help but wonder about the relationship between the two. Adley guided her to a seat at the other end of the table as everyone else took their seats.

Sevin and Cardial brought dinner to the table. "Before we begin our meal, a toast to our new housemate." All eyes fell to Lexine once more and she coughed. They all raised their glasses. Lexine fumbled a little with the stem of hers. "Kanpai." everyone said and drank from their glasses. Lexine sniffed the contents of the glass slightly before letting it slide down her throat. It was sweet on her tongue but left a lemon-like after taste.

"Introductions will be done after dinner, so please let us eat?" Artin said. Taevlin was the first to serve his food and no one else followed until he was done. After that, the meal simply disappeared. Lexine was pleased to find that the meal did not differ much from meals back on earth. She still only served what looked like something she knew from earth.

She willed for the time to move slowly so that she did not have to introduce herself. However, like everything else, time did not seem to be on her side, so the meal ended and the plates were stacked together in the middle of the table.

"Let us begin?" Artin said, "in order of lowest rank to highest rank."

"Ah shit." Lexine muttered as she squirmed in her seat.
