
Erectus Town

Next Morning I woke up at 9 am, Training might have made me sleep that much. When I woke up I saw pidgey was sitting on the window looking at me, when she saw that I am awake she came to me flying and sat on my shoulder.

"Good Morning buddy, How are you" I said smiling and rubbing her wings gently.

"Piirrrrru" She gently headbutted near my chick.

"Ok, Now let me take shower and than we will go and look around in town" I said & than pidgey flew back to window where she was sitting earlier.

I stood up and went to bathroom than took shower and than I went downstairs to have my breakfast in Pantry area of Pokecenter. Pidgey was sitting on my shoulder throughout walk. When we reached pantry I went to Pokemon area and called out my pokemons, all 3 were amused seeing Lucario, I told them all that their new friend evolved and is Lucario now. Lucario was always friendly and little competitive towards pupitar and charmander as they were the one who helped him more while training his aura.

"Ok, you all have your breakfast and I will have mine than will go around town" I said and left for nearest table.

I took my order and sat on the table to have my breakfast.

"Hey, Good Morning", A girl greeted me from behind.

I turned around to see Ankita standing behind me, "Hey Ankita, Good Morning" I replied smiling.

"So can I join you ?" She asked.

"Sure why not" I replied.

She sat on the chair on other side of table. "Sorry I forgot to ask you your name yesterday" She started chat.

"Yeah, I am Ujjawal, Started my journey from Seabloom Town" I replied.

" That's a beautiful town, so you are competing in regional championship ?" She asked.

"Yeah planning to, just started my journey, I am planning to get my 10 badges before next championship and along with that train my pokemon" I replied.

"Your pokemons are already at brutal level I guess", she said

I just laughed on that praise.

"So how many badges you have now ?" She asked.

"None yet, what about you " I replied.

"Nah I am not planning to take gym challenge, my dream is to become Pokemon coordinator and win all 7 ribbons and qualify for regional competition" She said.

"What is this all about" I asked.

"There is a competition between coordinators around region and for that you need to collect atleast 7 ribbons from competitions held twice a month. Next competition is in two years" She said.

"That's great, you will be best coordinator I am sure" I replied.

"So travelling with any companion or alone ?" She asked.

"Alone, but if any companion is there than that would have been better" I replied.

"I am travelling alone too. What say why don't we travel together. You continue on your hunch of collecting badges and I will continue on collecting ribbons" She asked.

"That will be great. More the Merrier. So lets look around town and than we will leave tomorrow. What say ?" I asked

"That will be great" She replied.

So we completed our breakfast and I introduced her to my all pokemons and she introduced me to her pokemons. She had Charmeleon, Bunery and marill. Than we left to see around the town.

First we went to pokemart where I purchased few pokeballs, great balls, potions, super potions, antidotes and paralyze heal using my poke point last night i received and also which I received from Pokemon League as registration Bonus. Ankita also purchased some stuffs as per requirement. Than we left to wander around the Town. We went to ice cream parlor to have ice-creams than we had lunch in nearby restaurant, Later on we went to botanical garden where the gentle lady offered me a poke egg for helping her. I took egg and kept that in incubator which that lady gave me and put incubator in my bag.

'This place is really great, I always dreamed of coming to pokemon world and now my dream came true. Let see what all difficulties I will face next' I was thinking all these stuffs.

"What are you thinking Ujjawal ?" Ankita asked me which startled me.

"Nothing just about upcoming battles" I replied.

"Don't worry about that, I know you will do great. I saw your battle last night, you are far better than any rookie" She said holding my hand in her. I blushed a little.

"Thanks Ankita I will do my best" I said with alot of energy.

"I know you will, I trust you and I am there to support you in training now, so, you don't worry now and lets enjoy the tour in Town" She said smiling.

'Ahhh, she is so cute. No No No Ujjawal she is your companion and you are here for some duty than you will leave to your world. No affection' I controlled my feelings but I knew deep down that it was not that easy.

We walked together in town, everything was beautiful, I think this was reason because I was with Ankita. Is this feeling Love ? No Ujjawal, no such feelings, I said to myself.

Than in evening we returned back to Pokecenter, we had our dinner than left for our rooms. Whole night I was thinking about Ankita and upcoming events we will be facing together. I think I am falling for her.

What will happen and how we both will overcome the upcoming events. Will update you within upcoming chapters so stay tuned with me.
