
I saw you in my dreams

"Sister in law!" Guan Tian Long couldn't believe what he just heard,

This pretty little girl is the one whom his brother loves? He glanced to his side and found a rapturous glee on his Lee Tae Yang's proud face. He rubbed his palm on his shirt and reached for a handshake,

"Nice to meet you." His eyes beamed as he pressed Li Juan's slender palm with at most respect and tilted his head over his cousin with a grumpy look on his face,

Since they grew up together like real siblings, neither Guan Tian Long nor Lee Tae Yang kept any secrets from each other until now.

How can he bring a girl all of sudden and introduce her as his girlfriend- Nah, sister in law?

"You should have told me earlier." Guan Tian Long was obviously upset.

"I want to give you a surprise." Lee Tae Yang shrugged his shoulders and slid over to Li Juan who remained perplexed.
