
Olivia Holton. United

I walk carefully down the dim hallway of the second floor with Tamara next to me, clasping on to my upper arm. Andrew and Caleb walk in front of us and Mr. Chen and William bring up the rear. Caleb holds the only light source in the span of the hallway, thus why it's so difficult to walk without being afraid of something jumping out of the dark to grab onto my feet. The single flame of the candle against six walking figures casts eery, elongated, and alien-like shadows against the floor and walls, and I have to constantly dart my eyes left and right to make sure they are mere shadows and nothing else. Tamara does the same. 

Every once in a while, Caleb looks behind him to make sure we are still following him, which earns him a scoff from Andrew who thinks we're stupid for going down to the lobby in the first place. He definitely argued with us when we told him of our plan, but during dinner, for some mysterious reason, he agreed to come down with us. 
