
Caleb Turner. Open Doors

Caleb didn't remember much about the two middle-aged couple in the photograph, all he remembered was that they looked proud and happy—whether those emotions they felt only in that one particular moment, he didn't know.

Caleb looked up at the clouds above him, there was a big storm coming—he had had the feeling it was coming all day today and even yesterday.

Just as he was about the turn around to walk back to the car, a white bright light appeared for a second—lightning, it had looked like someone had turned a light on in the sky for a mere second. The sound came booming to him a few seconds after and made him turn to it. That's when he saw him, the man from last night.

He was standing on the side of the road downhill from where he stood, half-hidden behind a tree. The trench coat he had worn last night was replaced by a black leather jacket. His hair was drenched from the rain, he could see the dark tendrils now weighted by water, plastered to his forehead.
