
Did you just call me princess?

The sound of ping just came out of my phone. I am guessing I got a new message. 

Without checking out my phone now, I checked out of the airport first. All these things are really new for me. But I managed it well with my lovely brothers guide book. Yes, Damon, Dylan and Grey literally made me a guide book because they weren't traveling with me. They filled the book with every necessary information that I might need. Though it has many unnecessary things too. 

I looked around to see if there's anyone to pick me out or stand there with the signboard of my name. I sighed when I didn't find anyone. I don't think anyone from the family is going to come here to pick me up. They might send their guards or something like that. I started to walk toward the exit of the airport while I took my phone out of my side bag. I unlocked my phone and saw I just got a new message from an unknown number. 

'I am at the Starbucks just outside of the airport. - H' The message said.
