

Renée felt her heart drop as she stared at the positive pregnancy test in her hands. Those two lines only spelt trouble for her and she blinked continually to ensure that she wasn't trapped in a nightmare.

It had been three weeks since she'd cheated on Rocky with Dante and she had been feeling unbearable amounts of guilt and pain for what she had done. She had planned to keep her night with Dante a secret but it seemed that there was another plan in store for her.

How could she hide a child from everyone now? Her parents would assume that it was Rocky's but they both knew better. It had been ages since they'd last slept together and being pregnant would expose what she had done.

This wasn't good. It wasn't good at all.

She'd be able to protect herself but it was Dante that she was worried about. Once this news came out, she wouldn't be able to protect him from her father's and Rocky's wrath.

It was bad enough that she'd slept with someone else whilst in a relationship but she'd never forgive herself if she ruined Dante's life as well.

No. Nobody could find out about this. Regretfully, she'd have to get rid of her unknown child but she didn't see any other alternative. That way, no one would be hurt and she could carry on with her life as normal.

But who could help her? Who could she trust to not say a word to anyone to ensure her and Dante's safety?

Frustrated and panicked, Renée tossed the pregnancy tests into the waste bin trying to forget the sticky situation that she'd found herself in.

She washed her hands quickly and splashed her face with cold water a few times to cool herself down.

If anyone finds out...

She growled under her breath and tied her hair into a ponytail before resting her hands on the sink in an effort to release the tension she felt in her chest.

It's okay.

You'll be okay.

She just hoped that she would be okay. What had she gotten herself into?

Hands shaking, she picked up her phone and waited nervously for the line to connect.

Anara was the only person that she could trust with this information right now. Telling anybody else would be far too dangerous.

If it wasn't for the fact that she was pregnant with another man's child then she would've normally ran to her mother about something like this but she was far too afraid of her father finding out from her. Mum was far too weak when it came to Dad and perhaps she'd disown her before her father would.

This was such a mess.

" This better be good." Anara answered sleepily on the other end of the phone indicating that she had only just woken up even though it was 3 in the afternoon.

" Anara, I need your help." She stammered out. " I'm pregnant. Tell me what to do."

The line was silent for a few seconds before Anara erupted into callous laughter at her confession.

"Has Rocky never heard of the phrase "pull out" or something?" She answered, still laughing.

Renée put a hand to her head trying to stay calm. Only Anara would make a joke out of a situation like this.

" Dad's going to be so pissed when he finds out." She gasped. " But he'll get over it eventually even though he wanted you two get married first." She said reassuringly.

" It's not Rocky's." She admitted chewing on her lower lip.

" How can you be so sure that it's not his?"

"Because me and Rocky haven't slept together for months." She justified. " Dante's the father."

"Dante? As in your bodyguard, Dante? That Dante?"

"Yes that Dante!" Renée was getting infuriated by the second. Telling Anara was supposed to fix the problem not make her feel worse about it.

After a few moments Anara says, " Wow, you've really fucked this one up, Renée. What were you thinking?"

"I wasn't okay!" She snapped. " Just tell me what to do about this."

Anara sighs and says, " I think you know what you're going to have to do if you don't want Dad to kill you and Dante. I'm sorry but you're going to have to say goodbye to your unborn child.

We'll keep this between the two of us.

I'll have to talk to my gynaecologist about you because this abortion cannot be linked back to you at all. It'll be okay, Ray. I promise."

Renée nods taking in the information that she'd just been told and whispered a shaky, "Okay."

" I'll talk to you later sis. Look after yourself." Anara said before declining the call leaving a frightened and shaken Renée on the other side.

She dropped her phone and placed it screen down onto her desk trying to calm her nerves. She'd just need to sleep this off and then maybe she'd be able to think about the situation with a clear head.

She quickly changed into some loose shorts and an oversized top before jumping into her toasty bed. She shut her eyes for a few moments trying to force herself to sleep despite the fact that she wasn't tired in the slightest.

When she finally began to doze off, she felt her bedroom door creak open and she opened one eye whilst keeping the other shut to get a glimpse as to who had dared to disturb her sleep. Her eyes widened when her gaze landed on Dante who had stepped into her bedroom.

She sat up and pushed the covers off of her body and she narrowed her eyes at him when she watched his eyes drop to her exposed legs for a few seconds too long.

"You shouldn't be here." She said trying to keep her voice even.

" I need to talk to you about something. Something that I should have told you a while ago." He said the last part regretfully and she felt her heart drop in her chest again.

She nodded as if to push him to carry on and he sighs before looking her full in the eyes and spits out, " That night we slept together, the condom broke and I knew but I didn't have the guts to tell you. I'm sorry."

Renée shakes her head slightly letting out a breathless laugh and crossed her arms across her chest and walked over to his nervous figure.

" You're 3 weeks too late with that apology. You didn't need to tell me because I already know because now I'm carrying your child so thanks a bunch." She said aggressively.

" What are we going to do?" He asked.

"What do you mean we?" Her voice was laced with disbelief, " I'm going to do the only thing that I can do. You know very well that if my dad finds out about this you won't make it to your next birthday."

" You're getting rid of our child?" Dante cried.

" What else can I do? You tell me, Dante!" She argued pushing him back so that his back was now on her bedroom door.

He didn't say a word knowing that they couldn't win this fight and she broke down into tears at that realisation.

" Just, leave me alone. I can't talk to you about this anymore. It's not safe here." She dismissed him by climbing into her bed and lied face down.

The click of a door closing signalled his absence and she cried quietly into her pillowcase feeling defeated. There was nothing she could do to make this situation any better. If she'd known she would've never slept with Dante that night and she wouldn't be in this mess.

She heard her bedroom door open once more and shouted,

"Go away, Dante!"

"Dante?" Rocky said curiously.

Upon hearing his voice, she got up feeling embarrassed and confused as to why he was here. He never said that he was coming over.

"Were you crying, Princess?" He asked. She wanted to break down even more when she realised that he was concerned. He cared about her.

"No. We were just arguing about something silly and I got upset about it. Don't worry about me." She sniffed, wiping her eyes dry. She gave him a fake smile and he kissed her forehead.

" You tell me if he makes you cry again and I'll give him something to cry about." He threatened.

" I didn't expect you to come here today." She said.

"I had a feeling that you'd forgotten about our date today when you didn't answer your phone and I was right." He chuckled.

" I'm so sorry. So much things were going on today and I just-"

" It's okay. I just want to spend time with you." He interrupted and she was on the verge of crying all over again.

She felt so incredibly guilty and she felt even worse when he threw all her favourite snacks onto the bed. He slipped his jacket off easily and lied down beside her switching through different channels to find the perfect film for them to watch. They eventually settled on a comedy even though Renée wasn't in the mood to laugh right now.

It was killing her inside to carry on lying to Rocky's face and letting him believe that everything was fine when it really wasn't. She had done the most unforgivable thing by cheating on him and if she could then she would have taken it back in a heartbeat.

It wasn't worth the pain.

Rocky laughed every now and then whilst Renée munched on some gummy worms quietly not really paying any attention to the film. There was too much on her mind for her to switch off her thoughts and just relax.

Rocky took her by surprise when he rested his head on her lap and she instinctively traced his face with her finger and he shut his eyes smiling. She was taking in all his features as of it would be the last time that she would be this close to him. He looked so happy and she was upset at the thought that she'd have to let him go pretty soon.

His brown eyes flicked open when she began caressing his cheek with her hand.

"You're so perfect." She whispered. She didn't know why she had said it but it was the honest truth. The tears welled up in her eyes and she looked him in the eyes again saying, " I don't deserve you, Rocky. You deserve so much more. You deserve someone that's going to give you the world and I can't do that for you."

He frowned and sat up facing her.

"Why are you saying those things? I don't need you to give me the world when you are my world. I'd do anything for you and I know you'd do the same." He said comfortingly.

She shook her head, unable to get the words out and she felt him reach over and kiss her full on the lips. She could taste the tears on her tongue when she kissed him back.

Her brain was protesting against what she was doing. This was wrong. She was only stringing Rocky along even more. It was only going to lead to his and her misery in the end.

But she allowed herself to kiss him because she knew that this was the last time.

This was goodbye and it was going to hurt like a bitch when she left him behind.


Was it right that Renée kissed Rocky despite the fact that she’s cheated on him?

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