
Guild of Gods: Scene 4

"So what did you want to talk about Theo?"

"It's about the kid." He says while lighting a cigarette.

"Ah yes, young Marcelline. What about her?"

Hearing a loud crash we look over and see Joy on the floor next to some equipment and Cassiopeia is standing above her.

"Cut! Does no one understand the words 'quiet on the set?'"

"You should be more careful where you're walking sweetie." Cassiopiea says after stepping over her.

Dillon and I walk over and brush Joy off.

"You okay hun'?"

She nods and walks over to her mother.

"Quiet on the set!"

I can't help but shake my head. Cassiopeia is really a piece of work. One of these days I'm really going to lose my temper with that girl. Will puts out the cigarette and is handed a brand new one.


"So what did you want to talk about Theo?"

"It's about the kid." He says while lighting the new cigarette.

"Ah yes, young Marcelline. What about her?"

"She's orphaned."

"Don't worry. We'll do a mind wipe on her and get her the help she needs."

"When I asked her how she came to find the hydra's lair she handed me this."

Theo pulls out the letter Marcelline handed him earlier. While Chiron looks over it he takes a few lazy drags of the cigarette. I don't know how he can stand the smoke. Chiron takes his time to look over it and then his eyes widen in surprise.

"Salt water?"

"She also controls water."

"A daughter of Poseidon."

"She's in danger. Her mother is dead and who knows if her father even cares if she's safe or not."

"So you brought her here."

"It's the only place I know she'll be safe."

"You have a soft spot for the child."

"Just doing my job."

"You know we have room for her but she doesn't seem to trust anyone but you. We can't force her to stay."

"Then what are we supposed to do if she doesn't want to stay here."

"Judging by how she acted earlier she may not want to leave your side."

"She's not going to have a choice. I have a job to do."

"I have a suggestion and you're not going to like it."

"Then why suggest it?"

"It's for the good of the child."

Theo puts out the cigarette in an ashtray conveniently there on the desk. He leans forward to pay more attention to what Chiron is going to say.

"Fine. I'm all ears."

"Have the child stay with you."

"Absolutely not."

"Hear me out-"

"Do I look like I'm fit to raise a kid? Let alone a girl? I know nothing about them. I smoke-"

"And drink and whore around. Yes Theo, I know."

"Then why in god's names would you even suggest a crazy idea like that??"

"Because that girl needs you. You're the only person she trusts. Eventually she'll be able to move here but for now can you watch over her? For her sake."

"Are there no other options?"

"You can force the girl to be alone in an environment of strangers and let abandonment cause more trauma for her to deal with."

"How about this. We try to get her to stay here first. If she agrees then the problem is solved but if not then I can be a last resort."

"That sounds like a fair plan."

"She still needs to train here though. I can't protect her forever and neither can you."

"We'll let her integrate here but let her rest first. She's been through a lot these past few days."

"And cut! Let's do it again a few more times and then we'll get ready for the next scene."

While they do so I head back to Will's trailer to grab his fan before they break. On our way over Dillon hides around corners looking around for threats as if he were a spy.


"Yes?" He says while lurking around another corner.���

I lower my voice in case he's spotted something.

"What are you doing?"

"My job of course. I'm making sure there's no one suspicious here."

"The way you're acting is suspicious. Just act normal."

"What are you talking about? This is normal."

"Do you normally lurk around corners?"

"Of course. Never know when my mother will find out about something I did. She never tells me when she finds out. She just surprise-attacks me with another magazine."

"In her defense you sometimes deserve it."

"Not true!"

"Really? Does Jezebel have a pet turtle she takes on daily walks?"

"She could."

"Really. Jezebel? How did you get her to leave the desk in the first place?"

"It was a lucky opportunity. Some rich guy was coming to talk to mom and she just had to go and try her luck with him. So she told me to watch the desk and you know. I just love blending in with other people and them not realizing who I am."

"Does your mother know she just threw her duties at you?"

"Yeah, HR had a talk with her. She probably hates me now."

"Not as much as she hates me. I don't know what I did but that girl doesn't like me at all. If I didn't know better I'd go so far as to say she hates me."

"Don't worry she's like that with everyone that isn't rich. You get used to it. There's plenty like her in LA."

We get to the trailer and I start collecting things for Will.

"Don't get me wrong I don't like the way she and Cassiopeia act but I don't hate them. In fact I kind of feel bad for them."

"Why's that?"

"Well we don't know what's happened in their life to make them this way. Everyone has a good side and a bad side and sometimes we can't get a handle on the bad side. We can't judge them for that. It's not our place. I know it's hard and I've lost my temper on Cassiopeia before but maybe all they need is a little kindness in their lives."

Turning towards the door I see Cassiopeia standing in the doorway.

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