
Chapter 10: Scandal

Angela was also shocked since she had been expecting a worse reaction from Drake. The fact that he let her go so quickly was shocking considering his behavior towards others, even if they made a small mistake. However, she decided to count her blessings and not ponder on them.

Still feeling drained from the events of today, Angela walked back to her room and laid down on her bed, hoping to have a nap to gain some of her energy. This was interrupted by a knock at her door.

"Angelo, come on out!" From the voice, Angela knew that it was Patrick.

But Angela just ignored his shout; she put on her earphones and continued to lie on the bed and listen to her music. The door was locked from the inside. Since Patrick had rushed into her room last time, she had added a chain lock to the door. Now no one could open the door from the outside, even with a key.

Sure enough, she saw the doorknob turning, but Patrick could not open the door. 
