
Chapter 99: I Don't Want You Taking Any Unnecessary Risks

Without another word, he turned and headed toward the front door. She followed behind him and got into the waiting car. During the drive into the city, he left the radio on a news station, and the dull drone of a male voice filled the car. She ignored the news and thought about the office. The closer they got to the city, the tighter the knot in her stomach became. She thought about her trashed office and the hateful looks the employees had given her and braced herself for another day of battles.

"Listen," Sean said as they entered the city. "I don't want you taking any unnecessary risks. You're just there to learn about the company. If you want anything done, just tell Andy, and he'll do it for you, okay?" 

She turned and looked at him, "If I make Andy do everything for me, they'll never respect me."

Sean sighed, "I just want you to be careful."

"I am," she answered.
