
Chapter 391: There’s Still Hope

It was obvious that Daniel Brown came with harmful intentions, and no one believed him at the party. But now that there was this sudden accident, his words lingered in Sue's mind and sounded convincing to her.

Lisa would never believe it. When she divorced, someone had said the same thing to her, and she understood how hurting it was.

"He is right! This girl is cursed! Her mother and her grandfather died because of her, and the Carters were ruined by her. Now she's doing it to my son! I won't let it happen! You hear me?!" Sue glared at both Lisa and Nathalia furiously.

I should have known earlier! I shouldn't have let them be together! What have I done?! She thought remorsefully.

Nathalia was shaking terribly despite herself. She wouldn't allow herself to shed a tear. "As long as he comes back safe, I will do anything you want. As long as he lives, that's all I am asking. Even if I can never see him again."
