
Author's note: Important.

AN: Hi Everyone! I would like to just start off by saying that everyone's support in this story is very appreciated. I doubt I would have written as much as I have without it. So, Thank you very much.

I am writing this rather long writer's not to say that I am skipping a few episodes. The events in each episodes take place in this AU still.

The episodes I am skipping are:



-The Thaw


Now, I am skipping these episodes because of how they are written, their contents and etc. I will explain its greater detail.

1. Deadlock

I was about to write Deadlock just now when I realized that...Hey, if I write this. This will be way too confusing, I will get confused and hell will break loose. Idk how I am supposed to go between two Voyagers in written form, I think this episode was truly written to be only made on-screen for it to truly make sense.

In this episode, Harry dies and is replaced. Naomi is born, dies and is replaced. When I was planning this episode (Because I actually do want to write it but...Ha...) I was planning on killing off Bini...Yeah. Yeah, I quickly backtracked from that idea because people seem to really like Bini despite the protest that she might be a Marysue. If she is, Sorry about that.

2. Innocence

I will be honest, this is just one of those episodes that I never planned to write. It didn't focus on the Voyager crew as a whole and I didn't really have anything to add because it already was a pretty good episode.

3. The Thaw

This is another great episode. It actually has one of my favourite Star Trek quotes actually. I decided not to do this one because again, I never really had a plan to. My next plans were on Tuvix's and J/C episodes.


This episode...is something else. I don't even really know how I think about it. I hated Tuvix's because he was a freak nature and looked scary as hell. I can't even explain how many arguments I have had on Facebook with people decades older than me over if Janeway was justified in killing Tuvix. Did she even kill Tuvix? My option, no. No, she did not.

I, admittedly, did plan on doing this episode but a few moments ago decided against it.

I can't get through this episode without visibly gagging because of the relationship between Tuvix and Kes. Wtf even was that part?! I liked part of the episode and didn't like part of it. I know a lot of people are going to argue this point and stop reading because of my options but they are just options. You can pretend that you never read any of this and move on. Or you could lash out and hate me for it. Either way, I am sorry, I guess?

I am only 17. People's option change. So maybe in the future, I will like this episode. But for now. I don't.

So, next, Let's talk about the next episode I will right: Resolutions.

The J/C episode.

As much as I support this episode...Holy shit is it cringy. I won't deny it. Oh my god! SO cringy! Maybe I am just immature.

I saw this quote (In a J/C fanfiction.) once where it said:

"Every author has a Resolutions (Star Trek Voyager.) story in them."

I guess this will be mine. I have never actually written about this episode before so this should be an interesting challenge!

Again, thanks for the support, reading this mess of a "chapter" and blah, blah, blah, you know. Love you guys! Please comment on your thought and etc.

Have a good day!
