
'2.4' A second escape

"Imora! Here!" Ryker shouted. His figure was hovering over a cart filled with heavy weaponry. I ran forward up the steep hill, my right foot sliding over the viscous mud, the other climbing upon a large rock.

I panted heavily as I walked over to him. Sweat easily dripped off my forehead when I stood next to the cart. "Ready?" He asked, gripping the edge tightly. I nod, clutching to the piece in the front. Slowly, we hoisted the cart into the air and over our shoulders. We both grunted at the weight of the cart, my foot automatically charged with pain. But I didn't dare make a sound.

Things didn't go as planned on the beach. For one, a storm broke out so everyone had to stop because the rain blocked our sight and the lightning struck trees in the area. The wind was blowing almost everything away and the thunder wasn't pleasant either. One thing was for certain, Thor was not pleased.

After the storm, we quickly evacuated- making sure to cover our tracks. I was the last to leave for I had to make sure Destiny had a safe place to take cover from the storm. I had to clean her wounds and cover her footprints.

When I left the nearly-undetectable cave, I was spotted by Fishlegs. Which, immediately gave me the signal to run opposite to where I wanted to go, just to keep my Tribe safe.

Unfortunately, I had to take a beating. I was running when I slipped down an abrupt slope. My right leg got in the way causing it to crash into a boulder, my head was nearly missed by the Nadder's spine although, Heather had to make up for that- cutting my left hand severely. It was way worse than the simple slice from the Changewing back on the edge.

A thing I can say out of hope is that I don't think they knew it was me, but rather Viggo. I can't tell you why they would mistake me for Viggo, but it was rather hard to see in the storm. I left the clearing as soon as I had the chance to, not even making an effort to disguise.

I grunted as the cart's weight shifted to my side. Just a few more steps and we'll be at the camp, I motivated myself. Besides, pain is temporary.

Shouts of joy and sighs of relief repeated through the clearing. I knew we were close just by judging the source of light in front of us. I grinned, letting the weight of the cart lift me rather than push me down.

"Imora focus! Yer' lettin' me carry all the weight!" Ryker fumed. " Oh! Sorry!" I smiled cheekily.

Soon, we disposed of the cart. I hastily limped to my tent, planning on getting medical equipment for my wounds, but when I saw Viggo's shadow slowly moving towards his tent, I couldn't help but feel pity.

I turned my attention to getting the supplies in my shelter.

My tent was warm inside, forcing the cold outside. That's what I loved about my tent, it was always warm, but sometimes a little too warm.

I quickly collected the supplies and rushed out, approaching Viggo's canopy.

I flipped open the flap as I walked inside. His tent was cold and dreary. His head shot up at the sound of my boots. "Imora, what are you doing here?" He asked calmly, covering his wounded arm. "What does it look like I am doing?" I deadpanned.

He looked away to the side. "You're wounded too." I rolled my eyes, though a part of me agreed that I am more badly wounded. " Hold up your arm," I demanded, glaring at him. He slowly outstretched his hand, knowing full well how stubborn I am. I opened the bag of equipment and started pilling them out.

I gently dapped it with the wet towel, making sure to remove unnecessary blood. Then, I carefully bandaged it, his eyes observing my movements. "There!" I grinned, pleased with myself. He hummed in agreement causing me to feel a rush of pride. My grin formed a smile as I watched him walking behind his table.

"There's something I've been meaning to ask you, Imora." He said. My eyes wandered to him, while he kept his eyes on the board of Maces and Talons. I hummed.

He sat on the chair covered in Dragon skin and held his hands in front of his face as if he was praying. He hid his nose behind his hands then looked up at me with steely eyes.

The air was tense around us as I darted my gaze to the game. The pride a few seconds ago vanished. His voice was hard as he spoke. My heart hammered. There's no way he knows about Destiny, right? Oh no.

"Do you fancy Hiccup?"
