
'0.9' Caught.... I think

My mind went haywire with stress. " Wait! Viggo has a sister?!" Half of the group yelled, the other half stared in disbelief. " Viggo has a sister?" I stared at him in fake shock. "Yip, and she looks a lot like you.." His voice wandered off.

It was hard to ignore the stares of the others in the room. "Soo.. you're saying that there's someone who looks like me and has the same name and happens to be their enemy?" I asked still faking my shock. " Wait, your name is Imora?" He asked calmly. I nod.

"Oh, well, that is a pretty huge coincidence." He admitted. Next thing I knew, is that I was pushed up against the wall with a blade to my neck. The woman holding the blade had black hair and forest green eyes. "Who are you?" She snarled.

"Now now Heather, she is a guest of Hiccup's." He tried to calm her down, but it seemed like it angered her more. "Who are you ? A spy?" She asked pushing the blade harder down my neck. It made a small cut of which blood came out, pouring slowly down to my ragged shirt.

I made clumps of tears appear easily, as if I was distressed. " Heather, calm down." Hiccup ordered seeing the tears in my eyes. Heather.. that sounds familiar.. Heather relaxed at Hiccups touch and she slowly took a step back.

I could sense everyone's glares and stares from all over the room. " Who would've thought that breakfast can be so entertaining?" Tuffnut asked smiling at the drama. I gently swiped the blood off my neck and watch it drip down to the floor.

" Dagur, does this... sister of Viggo look like her?" He pointed to me who was still focusing on the cut on my neck. "Almost exactly, well, except for her eyes I remember them being green. Like ours!" He cheered bringing Heather in for a side-hug.

Either he really has a bad memory or...I shake the thought out of my head. " Hiccup, I don't know, it is a pretty big coincidence." Astrid said glancing at me. " Plus, she appeared out of nowhere." Fishlegs countered.

"Well, last I checked her eyes are blue." Tuffnut interrupted while standing in front of me and looking me in the eyes. "Yup, blue." Ruffnut confirmed. "And last I checked, people can't change their eye colour." Snotlout backed them up.

I glanced at Hiccup, seeing him look at me as well. " Snotlouts right, eye colour is one thing you can't change." Hiccup said coming to a conclusion. " Dagur, are you sure Viggo's sister didn't have blue eyes?" Heather asked almost begging him to be wrong.

" Nope, I remember it clearly. Plus, when did I ever forgot something?" He shrugged. " Then it's settled." Hiccup nodded and grabbed a bowl. The rest followed his action as if nothing ever happened." Wait, so your all gonna ignore the fact that she might be a spy?" Heather asked confused.

"Well, Dagur said she had green eyes." Fishlegs said. " But, she appeared out of nowhere! Hiccup, what if she is a spy? What if she's collecting information for Viggo and Ryker?" She raged." But if she's not? What if she was just attacked by a dragon and was stranded?" Hiccup asked.

Heather lowered her double-sided axe in defeat. I was actually surprised at their trust in me. Not to mention their loyalty. I walk to the others and grabbed a bowl with my right arm. My left was sore not just from training but, from the attack last night. Strange enough, I didn't think about it till now.

I was surprised I could heal like that, but I couldn't help but feel like someone did something to it. I poured myself something that looked like stew, but smelled much better. My stomach took a turn as I sat around a circular table with the others.

I could tell everyone was looking at me suspiciously. My stomach continued to turn as all of us sat in silence, it was like it knew something, something that I did not.

Eventually, we all split up and went our owns ways. I, planned to quickly write mail to Ryker or Viggo. I slipped into Hiccup's hut and pulled out a piece of the paper Viggo wrote on. I turned it around and searched for a pencil in my boot.

Yes, I like keeping pencils in my boots because it's easier to carry. Nothing wrong with it.

Dear Brother/s

It has come to my attention that, Dagur- our once ally - had joined forces with the Dragon Riders. Heather is among them too. Further more, a girl named Astrid, does a daily patrol when the sun rises for 100 metres around the Edge.

My hand hovers over the paper for a second, wandering what I should say. Should I tell them about the situation? ...No

They have a contraption that can hear the scuttle of leaves a mile away. And from the look of things, they have taken quite a liking to me.



I tied it around the dragon's leg and threw it in the air. The dragon sprung off and unfolded its wings,

flying to the clouds. I sigh and pocketed my pencil in my boot. I should probably scan the island. My mind didn't even had the time order my limbs when they already did it themselves.

My boots clicked on the rock as I walked to the forest. The sun was already relatively high. Then I heard footsteps behind me, but when I turned around, there was nothing or no one there.My suspicion grew as the footsteps grew louder and louder behind me. By now, I was almost in the dead center of the forest. I kept my hands close to my daggers as the footsteps were just behind me. My body felt electrocuted and the hairs on the back of my neck stood straight.

Unexpectantly, I turned around pulling out a dagger and showing it threateningly . My eyes wandered al over the clearing. The part I was in, was covered in bushes and tall trees, perfect for an ambush of any kind. I pull up my ears and listen closely.

Breathing was heard behind me, my nerves took the best of me as I spun around, seeing a small lake that was not there before. My mind was tumbling with theories and questions. " Who are you?" I asked calmly lowering my dagger.

No one answered. " I know your here. So show yourself." I said. The bushes shivered to my left and my eyes dart to the movement. I felt a breath on my neck, and my instinct took control immediately. I push the body to a nearby tree and held my dagger to its throat. One hand was keeping the body in place and the other held the dagger.

"Who-" I started but stopped as I saw the face. I immediately took a step back pocketed my dagger." Dagur, what are you doing here?" I asked. " Following you, obviously." He answered putting his hands on his hips. " Why?" I asked narrowing my eyes in suspicion.

" Imora, I know its you." He said simply. So he does know. Words struggled to get out of my mouth. Finally, I was able to speak. " Then why did you cover for me?" I inquired narrowing my eyes as if in kill mode.

" Well," He began and scratched the back of his neck. " Well?" I encourage him. " Your like my little sister." He shrugged. " That's not the reason why you did it." I said crossing my arms.

" Okay okay. You got me. I know your here to spy probably. But I needed to be sure." He answered. I furrowed my brows. " Sure of what?" I asked.

" Sure that you are who I thought you were." He said pointing to the pocket of my dagger. My face contorted with confusion as I pulled out my dagger. Then I got what he said.

He wanted me to pull out a dagger, because there on the blade stood the Dragon hunter insignia, shining like gold in the sun. I quickly pocketed it.

" Fair enough. But what do you want now?" I asked cautiously. "A deal." He said simply. " A deal?" I asked surprised. " Yes. You can keep doing what your supposed to and I'll keep covering for you." He proposed walking around me.

I knew that wasn't the end of the deal. " On what condition?" I eye him. " That you don't hurt my Heather or brother Hiccup and his friends." He almost begged.

This is by far the most interesting deal I have ever made. I thought. I don't really have a choice..." Deal." I smirked. "Really?" He asked shocked. I only raise my eyebrow. " I thought the Grimborns didn't like deals." He muttered.

I gave a dry laugh. " No, we love them." I said, patting him on the shoulder and walking to the rest of the forest. " So.. uh, bye then?" He questioned. I only waved my hand, keen to explore the rest of the forest.

A few minutes past when I heard the bushes shiver again. I sigh. " Dagur, what do you want now ?" I ask stopping in my tracks. But no Dagur appeared instead two blue eyes.
