
Pay It Forward

 Tidas, Ralph, Klaus, and Ronnie had started a game of cards with the crew while Skye and Genie had been gone, and were still playing when they had returned. Zazzy flew overhead and circled around to land as Genie floated down to the ship, blowing the cards everywhere. He was in the middle of getting yelled at in several languages when Skye jumped onto the deck.

 The distance between the shoreline and the ship was hefty, so when she landed, Skye indented the deck where she had landed. Now, she was the one getting screamed at. Apparently it cost a lot of money to replace the planks on the deck of a ship, but Skye told them all, in their respective languages, that she would personally fix it.

 The crewmen laughed at her as she replied to the first few men. But when she spoke in two languages that were usually only used within the crew members' villages, everyone fell into shock. Even Genie was surprised by Skye's linguistic skills and knowledge.
