

I instantly jump up and into the stream. I run in the opposite direction of the wolves staying in the freezing water to mask my sent. Finally I jump out and head deep into the woods.

"Crap! someone is getting closer."

"State the obvious much! I smell them too!"

"Enough with the attitude.... And the running this one's too fast. We fight him and we can outrun the rest."

I block miss attitudinal wolf out of my mind and turn to face my pursuer.

He is a large tan wolf with a black spot over one eye. He begins to circle me refusing to strike... Well let's get this over with.

I lunge at the tan wolf and bite his front paw. He jumps back. And stairs at me waiting for my next move... Come on and fight!

I let out a growl. He begins to bow his head to the ground. Fighting submission with all his will. I chuckle breaking my concentration. He lunges at me and pins me.

"Not quite an alpha yet" rings through my mind.

I block him out and he gives me a wolfly smile. That smile only lasts a moment when I grab him by the neck with my teeth and kick with my hind legs flipping him off of me.

I see the shocked look on his face as he attempts to regain his composure. But before he can think of what to do I charge at him plowing him into a tree.

Crap... I took too long and now I can smell 5 more wolves. I am completely surrounded.

I. am. screwed.

I look around and see the smallest wolf. I charge at him grab him by his scruff and throw him into a tree. I take off into the woods at full speed.


Oh no an alpha!

I could feel the power of that growl. I'm sure some of the pups back their peed themselves. Not me tho. A minor stumble in my stride and I keep running.

I can feel him getting closer. Hot breath down my neck and then in one swift motion I am on the ground pinned by the alpha as the other wolves fallow close behind.

The alpha lets out another growl that rings in my ears and I know what he wants.

I open up my mind link and give the alpha my biggest, most innocent puppy dog eyes.

"What brings you here?... Daddy."
