
Adam Leno

"My father was a farmer, and my mother was the same. My lineage was normal, as none of my ancestors had any significant history. I was normal at birth, so I don't think it's genetic."

Arthur massaged his temples as he stared at the clueless man. If it wasn't genetic, then it might be something acquired. However, this wasn't the problem at the moment. He needed to reassure him.

"I never asked about your name."

"My name is Adam Leno," said the man with a smile. "Your name must be… Seika?"

"That's not a name but a title. My name is Arthur Silvera, and you would have recognized it if you had any connection to the outside world."

"Arthur Silvera…" said the man with a frown before he shook his head. "I'm afraid that I indeed fail to recognize it."

"…he's lying," said Aurora as he walked out from the living room, seeming to have finished treating Zonas Mantra. "He has been honest, but his last sentence is a lie. He recognizes your name."
