
Saving Our Lives

Lisa's POV

I couldn't believe that our afternoon swim would turn out to be a disaster. I don't know why it took us so long to hear the roaring sound of the coming flood. Maybe it was because it has been years since we last swam. I had never been so horrified in my entire life as I watched the water rushing towards us, and when I shouted swim, I couldn't even move my legs because of my fear. But when I saw my best friend swim towards the other side so that we could go to the higher ground away from the water, I followed behind her, but it felt like the riverbank was so far away.

"Oh, no, it is coming to us Lisa, there is no way out, the riverbank looked so far away, and I don't think we can make it on time. The water will hit us, and we will both die." Maya said with a trembling voice while I tried to push her.
