
You seek new venture, young man

Why do we go out? Why do humans crave adventure? Was it for the thrill? Was it for the thirst of new knowledge? or was it for them to find new experiences? Adventures are always subjective, so as its meaning and so as its purpose. While many consider it as a human necessity, to rigor oneself outside of their daily intuitions - allowing the human animal to release itself - and to enjoy the living space we all share; some consider it as a driving force. They consider themselves as nomadic but they do have a home, the outdoors. While it may not be the conventional 4 walls and 1 roof, it does provide safety and comfort. Individuals who desire to be in the wilderness and see new things, for them, those are their companions.

Will you join us for a new adventure?

The fire of battle was doused by its abrupt end, relishing from the ashes as its dying breath dispersed throughout the air. Both sides saw mutual respect for one another and hoped that one day, a rematch would form. Their spectator, Yoake Katsuragi, was eager to join in the fight but his vis-a-vis was enthralled by the resentment she received a couple days back, she locked herself in her very own Pokeball and never see the light again; no matter how he tries to pray for forgiveness or seek repentance, it will be balwart by silence.

Lacking a companion, he looked for another solution and he found one. One that was given to him by his maternal-figure, Lyra. There was clear speculation about her but he was reluctant as there were no more alternatives since his available Pokemon are not strong enough to compete with the desired trait of kinship.

"Your sister is not bad." Lyra commented as she walked up towards him. Her face barely changed, her actions as well, as if the battle meant nothing to her yet it played a significant role on both him and his sister. How long has she been battling?

"But since you're the Kanto Champion. I'll be expecting more from you." Lyra teased.

"You wouldn't be disappointed." Yoake confidently told her.

"Ah, I've heard those 4 words too frequently. No need to be rhetoric, I want you to prove it by your skill not by mouth." She rolled her eyes, annoyed by the boy's statement.

"If Claudine wasn't being dramatic, I would've battled you," he said.

"Mhm. Excuses… Don't force your Pokemon, it'll be worse for you in the long run."

She turned around and walked a few meters away and returned with a blue backpack.

"What's that for?" The curious boy asked.

"Since Leaf assigned me to be your overseer in your journey in Johto, I might as well be prepared." She clarified.

"I can do things on my own."

"A 13-year-old can't just simply wander around Johto, I know that by personal experience. and besides, whatever happens to you, I have full jurisdiction over it." She crossed her arms. Johto wasn't the same 3 years ago; even for her, it wasn't even safe back then but with a Pokemon, she was fine; but those were the days.

"Fine." He sighed.

"Good. Let's set up some rules first before we start.

Rule number 1: We will be living, thriving, sleeping, and training off-the land…"

"Leaf told me that you sleep in your comfort zone, so where's the fun in that? How can you experience the liveliness of Pokemon training if you didn't immerse yourself in the habitat of your own Pokemon?" Lyra told him. "Huh, where do you sleep most of the time?"

"We sleep at Erika's." Yoake answered. Lyra's eyes widened and asked him to clarify himself.

"The grass type specialist?" She asked with such nervousness.


"Oh my. That's worrying. Do you sleep with someone?" She asked once more.

"No. I sleep separately. Why?"

"You didn't know? Erika… has… Well, let's say a thing for boys like you. But we're getting off-topic so…" Lyra gave him some tidbits of Erika, the very woman that he looks up to the most, questionable and odd behavior, which piqued his intuitions.

"What? What do you mean?"

"Rule number 2, Always ask for permissions before you do something." Lyra hurried off to the second rule but Yoake decided to intervene her.

"What do you mean by 'a thing for boys like me' and where are we gonna sleep?" Yoake's voice raised in a frustrating tone as he wants transparency from his very own overseer.

"I'll explain it afterwards. But, we are gonna sleep in a tent." She said as she pointed to her backpack.

"What? How?" Feeling uneasy with her proposition, he wanted to argue with her but it was evident that Lyra was, and will always be, 2 steps ahead of him.

"You and I are gonna sleep in one tent. I have two sleeping bags so no need to blushen out. I know you Kantonese people have a culture that 'if a girl and a boy sleeps together in the same place, they're lovers' hate to break it to you, but as someone who's gonna be your guardian - I always have my eyes on you." She said with utter defiance.

"Of course, there will be exceptions such as privacy like bathing and changing clothes but don't worry. I'm not gonna peek nor would you even dare to. Do we have that clear?" She continued.

"Fine." He sighed.

"Now, where was I? Ah yes, Rule number 2: Always ask for permissions before doing something." Lyra continued and scuffed off.

"What? I'm not gonna do that." Yoake protested.

"Listen boy. I don't have time to explain with all the nuances, alright?" She stated.

"I'm not one of your Pokemon." He continued.

"And rule number 3, I am always right. You got that?" She continued as she ignored the boy's protest.

"WHAT!? No. No. I will not be confining myself to those BS rules." He condemned her rules but it was obvious, she would care less to his opinions, trying to subjugate him for unknown reasons.

"What did I just say? I'm your overseer, whatever happens to you, I have full responsibility over it. So be a good boy and just follow these rules and the rest, you'll have full jurisdiction over yourself, alright?" She was mad for her to believe that this distressed boy would just listen to her, but she knows that he has no choice.

"How about this; if you manage to defeat me and become the Johto champion, you can do whatever you want with me. Deal?" There was a smirk on Lyra's face as she offered her hand towards him.

"I'll pass. I'm not into girls like you." He objected her offer.

"Come on, you have a former Johto champion at your disposal afterwards. Think of it." She tries to seduce him by imaginations, either cruel or obsessive but she damn well knows that her defeat is nonsensical.

"Not interested." Yoake turns to his side as he continues to reject her offer.

Feeling tempted, Lyra decided to use something else as a bargaining tool.

"Well, it would be a shame if I actually happened to know the girl that gave you that scarf, isn't that the reason why you competed in the Pokemon League? Her warmth, smile and… acceptance."

She hushed him with a seductive voice. It was demonic, tempting and Yoake knows that Lyra managed to hit his weakest point. But that wasn't his only concern but it was the fact that she knows about it, which shocked his very core.

"How… How did you know?" Yoake turned around. His eyes widened and his mouth was left open, shocked that a mysterious girl knows his deepest secret, his thriving motivation which is something that Leaf is even unaware of.

Lyra giggled.

"I know alot about you Yoake Katsuragi. I know every single thing about it. From your weakest to your strongest potential, I know you. and I can single handedly share it to the world. Such a disaster can only be avoided if you just stick to my rules and all's well and end well…"

"Stubborn as always, just like how you nearly killed your sister that night." Lyra's cold breath made Yoake freeze to death.

He doesn't know what to say or do, he didn't expect that the girl that Leaf assigned to him would hold him at gunpoint nor he would ever expect to blackmail him. For him, he didn't expect Johto to be his nightmare.

"So, be a good boy and follow my rules. Okay?" She said as she raised her hand once more.

Reluctant, he shook her hand. Does he have any choice? What else does he have? He doesn't know any more, he was humbled by the same person that crushed his sister; he didn't count this. Without Claudine, he was lost and was now encaged by Lyra's grip, hoping to escape but he doubts that it would be soon.

"Good boy." She whispered with a rising tone. She was teasing him.

"Now, let's start training." A cheerful Lyra said.

Yoake was jerked by Lyra's sudden tone. She was a stone cold villainess for a second and now, she became a cheerful bubbly figure with rainbows fluttering across her body.

"I hope you learned from your sister's battle. Don't worry, I'll be easy on you." Her voice was in a higher pitch, like some Kindergarten teacher inviting her students to play at the school's playground.

"Uhh Lyra, can I heal Tepig first?" He raised his hand as he asked for permission.

"Here, I have an extra Potion in my bag." Lyra takes out a battle of potions, filled with redish liquids, and throws it at him.


It was a rigorous day, filled with training and despair, rationalizing, strategizing, and critical analysis. All of it is needed to become a successful Pokemon trainer, which is something that Yoake overlooked during his Kanto adventure. For now, it is the time for them to rest; while Lyra is sleeping comfortably, Yoake, on the other hand, was deprived as he couldn't fathom the events earlier. There was no doubt that Lyra gave him a scar, out of all this, he was bothered by her words earlier, especially towards Erika.

'What did she mean by Liking boys like me?' He tries to tuck himself to bed as he looks at Lyra on his side, who was sleeping with her back against him.

While those words echoed in his mind, he couldn't help himself, perpetually thinking of the fact that he is sleeping beside her - a boy and a girl sleeping next to each other - which is considered as a sign of intimate relationships in Kantonese culture.

He doesn't know how to respond to his circumstance, he couldn't tell what he was feeling, was he aroused by it? Was he pleasured by it?

He couldn't answer but his discomfort says otherwise. A young boy discovering puberty.He turned around as he closed his eyes.

He knew he couldn't sleep but he would try.
