
The First Victim - Part Three

Ladybug was surprised to see how much of the school was missing. The hallways were bare, the rooms were empty except for a few scattered papers, and no noise could be heard.

"Wow, Eraser struck quickly," Cat Noir said as he looked around, "Do you think he's still in the school?"

"I hope so. It won't be long before he erases everything in Paris." Ladybug and Cat Noir looked for the nearest exit and ran towards it. Suddenly, Cat Noir gasped and pushed Ladybug down. She could feel the slight breeze of an object swinging past her. They stood up instantly and found themselves face to face with Eraser, who was shocked to see they had avoided his attack.

"How did you know?" Ladybug looked at Cat Noir in awe.

"Cat-like instincts," he shrugged.

Eraser glared at them and cut in, "Your instincts won't save you next time!" He swung his staff, but Ladybug and Cat Noir dodged it again.

"Come on, you have to be faster than that," Cat Noir taunted.

Eraser grunted and stabbed his staff towards Cat Noir a few more times. Ladybug kicked him and knocked him back. The staff flew from his grasp and landed a few feet away. She reached for the staff, but Eraser grabbed it and swung at her before she could reach it. Ladybug dodged the attack once again.

"Well, it's obvious the akuma is in his staff, but how are we going to get it?" Cat Noir asked Ladybug.

"I don't know. Touching the end of the staff is game over." Ladybug didn't want to use her lucky charm yet. She needed a plan.

"I have an answer," Eraser laughed, "You won't be getting it. I'll have you both erased in no time!"

"Could you cataclysm the staff?" Ladybug looked at Cat Noir.

"Sure I could, but I'd have to avoid the eraser."

"The eraser," Ladybug said, "We need to get rid of it without touching it. After that, we can destroy the rest of the staff."

"Enough of this!" Eraser shouted, "You're both nuisances!" He struck the floor with his staff and it disappeared from under Ladybug and Cat Noir's feet. They had been on the second floor of the building, so part of the building above the ground floor came crashing down. Eraser laughed as Ladybug and Cat noir struggled to avoid the falling rubble.

A piece of the wall fell towards Ladybug, who jumped out of the way before it could crush her. However, her leg was pinned under the wall and she couldn't move. Cat Noir gasped and ran to help her.

"Quick, Cat Noir!" she said as Eraser climbed over the rubble and headed towards them.

"I'm trying!" he replied, trying to push the piece of wall off her leg.

"I've got you now!" Eraser grinned and ran towards Ladybug with his staff. Cat Noir had just lifted the wall off Ladybug's leg when Eraser thrust his staff at her. Before it could touch her, Eraser was knocked away from the two, who quickly stood up. Pavona had kicked Eraser down. She was breathing heavily.

"You? Where did you come from?" Cat Noir looked at Pavona in shock.

"That doesn't matter," Pavona shook her head and looked around at what was left of the school.

"It's amazing how much damage one supervillian can cause," she added.

"How can we be sure you aren't a supervillain?" Ladybug crossed her arms, "You wouldn't tell us who gave you the Peacock Miraculous."

"I told you," Pavona started before dodging an attack from Eraser, who had gotten up to his feet, "I found the Miraculous. It isn't a good explanation, but it's true."

"Maybe we should discuss this later," Cat Noir interrupted them. He jumped back and narrowly avoided being touched by Eraser's staff.


Lila was standing next to a nearby building. She watched impatiently as Eraser swung and missed. Ladybug and Cat Noir were putting up a good fight as usual, but they were arguing with the owner of the Peacock Miraculous, who seemed to have come out of nowhere. Considering the last owner of the Peacock Miraculous was evil, Ladybug and Cat Noir didn't trust the current one.

"It looks like Eraser could use some help," Lila opened her bag and pulled out the Butterfly Miraculous. Nooroo sighed as she pinned on the brooch with a grin and transformed. The new Hawkmoth's entrance would have to be memorable. She climbed up the building she was previously hiding behind and ran to where Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Pavona were fighting Eraser.

Jumping was almost like floating on air. It had been so long since Hawkmoth had last run and jumped as a supervillian. She jumped onto the part of the school that was still standing and laughed to herself. The wretched place was destroyed.

Hawkmoth waited until the four were right under her and she jumped down, staff ready. She knocked back Ladybug and Cat Noir when landing, leaving Pavona to look at her with shock. Ladybug sat up and exclaimed, "There is a new Hawkmoth!"

Cat Noir looked at Pavona and said, "Then it makes perfect sense for there to be a new Mayura."

Hawkmoth laughed and said, "Of course there is. The old Hawkmoth and Mayura passed down their Miraculouses to us. I bet Pavona had you fooled."

Pavona shook her head at Hawkmoth and looked at Ladybug and Cat Noir, "You have to believe me! She's lying!"

Hawkmoth rolled her eyes and took a swing at Ladybug. Eraser joined in as well. Pavona did not attack anyone, but still dodged attacks from Ladybug and Cat Noir.

Farther away, Nadja Chamack and the rest of the news station had arrived at the scene to record the first superhero and supervillain battle that had happened in months.

"I'm Nadja Chamack," she began, "here at Francoise Dupont High School where Ladybug and Cat Noir are fighting three new villains. It seems that Hawkmoth and Mayura have passed down their Miraculouses to two new villains. Stay tuned for the rest of the fight!"


Gabriel Agreste was among the many who were watching the fight. He smiled with satisfaction.
