
You, Sick, Sick F*ck!

Newest Chapter For Highest Tier (August 2021)


Archdemon Empress Luna


The bonfire was lit in the center as the five of them gathered around it, bathing their grim countenance in such a golden light amid the darkness similar to the sun in the night.

The flames warmed the air and got rid of the chills in their bones.

Then Luna realized that they weren't five but four. Sloth was nowhere to be found.

What was he doing?

Maybe, her Familiar had slept somewhere?

"Where is Sloth?" Luna glanced around, looking for the Archdemon.

  Her eyes widened in shock when she found her Familiar emerging from the woods with his one hand carrying the Fae General's head by the hair. 

He froze when he heard his name, raised his hand and flashed her a  tight-lipped smile.

"I am here, Lune." 
