
Dancing in A Moonlit Night


Vampire King Apollyon


The Empress was determined to test his patience and control.

He muttered as he took her palm away from his groin. "We will now focus on the dance."

"Alright. I offered to help you, but you turned me down." Luna shrugged with nonchalance as she glanced at his crotch shyly before she brought her gaze back to his face. 

  Eyebrows lifting in surprise, Apollyon's eyes widened and his breath hitched when he thought, 'Luna did not miss a thing.'

  There was a long pause before Luna spoke again, "You don't have to be angry."

He gritted his teeth. "I'm not angry."

"So..." Luna beamed at him. "What's the next step?"

His cock had a mind of its own that it needed a constant reminder from his brain that there was a huge difference between dancing and fucking.
