
Departure for Seoul (2)

Erina and everyone entered the airport and passed the security checkpoint without any problems. They then boarded the Minamoto Clan's private plane.

"My private jet just took off." Hong Ju-Won looked up at the sky outside the window.

"Mio, you will pilot this plane?" Elysia asked while checking Mio's situation from the side. She thought the soldiers escorting them would come along, but they didn't.

"Yes, I am a certified pilot, Elysia-sama. Grandpa Five is here as co-pilot. Dear passengers, please take your seats and fasten your seatbelts. We will be taking off in two minutes." Mio looked back and announced to everyone.

"..." Elysia glanced at Grandpa Five briefly, then returned to her seat.

"Seatbelts, where?" Xentia tilted her head slightly with a question mark in her mind.

"This one. Here, I'll put this on for you. Fasten your seatbelt too, Sylvi." Elysia fastened Xentia's seat belt.

"Mkay~" Sylvia imitated what Elysia did for Xentia.
