
The cult of zombies

(A/N: I'm back . Sorry for the sudden hiatus, but some irl problems pop up and I had to resolve them. Once again sorry for the hiatus, and as a compensation for you guys, Two chapters per day till Sunday then I'll go back to one per day. )

(PS : I'll also start editing and enchanting the previous chapters, so if you want to re-read the story you can do it, if not you won't lose anything it will be just world building ,maybe some parts that will make the characters feel more alive, etc.)

When I arrived at the armory, I was greeted by Maxson and a team of eight soldiers.

"Good to see you, Maxson."

"Good to see you as well and it seems that you got yourself a new upgrade."

"How could I let you guys have all the fun? I had to do something if I want to join the so-called war against the undead, right?"

"Absolutely right, so… where are we going, sir?"

"Wait for a second for me to get the map out of my backpack. Here it is. First things first, our mission is to arrive at this clinic which, as you can see is near this red hotspot."

"Sir, what's a red hotspot?"

"Well, private, a red hotspot is the name we gave to places that had a huge population, for example, Atlanta or New York."

"I see, thank you, sir!"

"No problem, back to debriefing. That prison, from what we currently know may as well be a death zone with god knows how many zombies roaming around there, while our objective is just five kilometers away from the prison. That still doesn't mean that our objective is a safe zone. As we are ten in total, I suggest we move in two teams of five. One team will be having me as a team leader while the other one will have Lieutenant Maxson."

"No problem here, sir, but what are we using as our transport?"

"Honestly? I thought of using a van, but thinking a little about our mission, I decided to go with two vans. Anyone has a better idea?"

"No, having two transport vehicles may be the better call than having all of us in one vehicle."

"Good, then, Maxson find Olivia or Paul and have them prepare the vans for us, while I will get ready. We will leave as soon as we get the vehicles.

Twenty minutes later, our group left the mother base as Maxson liked to call our home.

When we were close to Griffin, we had to stop as the road was blocked by a school bus. Now, normally we wouldn't stop there and just take a detour, but on the school bus were seven people impaled right through their chest.

"What should we do sir?"

"Nothing, we can't help the dead and I'm not sure that whoever did that is waiting for us to make a move before they ambush us just like these poor people. Be ready for combat and Maxson, I don't need heroes, I need soldiers that follow orders and stay alive."

"Roger that, sir. Also, sir do you see that light?"

"Light? Where?"

"Right side, in that shop."

"Hmm, Maxson take two men with you and meet me at the entrance of that shop. We will clear it of any danger."

"Right away, sir!"

After making all preparations, I ordered them to follow me, and quickly we made our way towards the restaurant.

Going to the restaurant door, Maxson stopped.

The bodies of two women were hung at the door, two ropes wrapped around their necks, and hung on the roller shutter of the door. The bodies were all dried bloodstains, and the knife wounds were seen all over their bodies, but the most unsettling thing was their faces which showed fear and pain. Meaning, that both women were still alive when they were tortured.

Taking one last look at the two bodies, I slowly opened the door, fortunately for us, it was not locked. Entering through the door, we were ready to return fire in case someone was waiting for us inside, luckily we didn't find any person yet.

Seeing that the main room on the first floor was clear, I decided to take a soldier with me and head towards the bathroom to check if it's clear while Maxson and the remaining soldier will check the kitchen.

Making our way towards the bathroom, we begin to hear a voice.

"Please, anything, but that I don't want to die!"

"Does it matter? Your blood and flesh will appease the new gods that roam around us. Even if you were free, the new gods will still get their hands on you heretic, be happy that you have the chance to become a sacrifice for them."

After the man said that we heard a short yell of pain before the silence took its place.

Looking at the soldier that followed me, I signaled him to cover my back while I will take care of that man.

Slowly making my way towards the bathroom door, I notice that the door was open, which was a good thing for me as it will help me sneak behind the enemy without making too much noise.

When I entered the bathroom, the first thing I saw was the body of a man that looked like it got through a shredder. Looking away from the body, I spotted the man that I heard outside. He was standing in front of the body of a teenage boy while beside him, I saw a bunch of tools.

Deciding that he had enough time in this world, slowly approach him from behind and when I was right behind him, I punched right through his hearth with my prosthetic arm.

The man didn't even have enough time to notice the pain before he died. Pulling my arm back from his chest, I headed towards the nearby sink to see if it still works, and fortunately for me, it still had some water for me to clean all of the blood and tissue on my arm.

Seeing that the mirror in front of the sink, I looked at myself and thought of what I had to do in the past couple of months. From the first zombie, I had to kill the first human being that I killed and how I get past their deaths showed me a new meaning of the world. I still can't get used to killing humans, but I can agree on many things about killing them. No human is a saint and somewhere at some time in our lives, we did something that will haunt us for the rest of our lives.

After I cleaned myself from all the blood on my arm, I walked towards the main lobby where Maxson was waiting for me.

"Everything good, sir?"

"Yeah, I killed one cultist, I think that's what they are."

"Same here, we had to kill two cultists that were cutting humans in the kitchen. Apparently, they worship the zombies as their new gods or something like that."

"That's what I heard from the guy that I killed. They were preparing a sacrifice for the new gods. I call that bullshit. The zombies aren't gods, they are dead humans and even if you worship them you won't survive if they decided to eat you."

"That true, well then, shall we continue clearing the building?"

"Better safe than sorry!"

On the second floor, we found ten more cultists doing something disturbing to one man, who we presume was their leader. The man was slowly getting zombie flesh to sew on his clothes while on his head they put a face from a zombie.

Seeing that they weren't aware of their surroundings, we decided to quickly take care of them and just as they finished sewing another piece of flesh on their leader, we opened fire. As they weren't prepared for that, the cultists were easily killed while the leader took a leap of faith and jumped out of the window. Unfortunately for him, outside of the restaurant were waiting for our men and when they saw him running towards them, they quickly fired their weapons killing the poor cultist.

"That was one hell of an escape with the worst ending."

"What can I say, this ain't Hollywood."

"That's also true, have the men search for any weapons we may use, but don't get the supplies, god knows what they may have in them."

"Ok, then, sir. I'll have the men search the place then. Should I have someone keeping the first watch?"

"No, I'll take that role. You guys focus on searching the place."

"Roger that, sir. Hope you enjoy your break."

"Of course I'll enjoy staying on one of the vans and wait for your asses to get back."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

You can also check my patr3on for advanced chapters(Currently there are two advanced chapters there) : https://www.patreon.com/meatbunkun?fan_landing=true

MeatBunKuncreators' thoughts