
Metro 3

Ace: What the hell happened?

Eric: New zombies. Stronger and deadlier than the normal ones.

Ace: Did you two get any injuries?

Eric: Nothing here. I managed to kill one before the rest of them could have killed me.

Olivia: Same. I'm ok. I was lucky, if not for Eric's attack, I would have been dead.

Ace: Glad to hear that you two are safe, but we have a problem. Behind this gate are the new zombies. What should we do now?

Eric: Well, if we somehow find what can make them afraid or weak against our attacks, we will have a way of dealing with them. The one that I killed died because he was burned by my electric ax.

Olivia: Fire? Or maybe electricity?

Eric: I won't put our hopes on electricity. They didn't seem to fear the ax, but when one of them burned, they backed away. Maybe light?

Olivia: They didn't seem afraid of our flashlights.

Ace: Natural light, which may be their weakness. We should try to make a campfire near the gate and see if they attack us or not.

Eric: We need more people to deal with this threat. Three people won't do much against them. I'll call Paul and have them return with two soldiers

After I said my sentence, I walked away from the gate. Finding myself a wall to push my back against, I sat on the ground. Taking my walkie-talkie from the backpack, I quickly connect to Paul's walkie-talkie.

Eric: Paul, do you hear me?

Lee: Lee here. Paul is driving.

Eric: Lee, listen to me. We have problems.

Lee: What problems?

Eric: New zombie. They are very strange. Naked and their body is quite durable. They are faster and stronger than the rest of the horde. We meet them when we checked the net tunnel. Unfortunately, the station was compromised. I managed to kill one of them with my ax, and the rest retreated from the fight when the zombie body caught on fire.

Lee: You want reinforcements right?

Eric: Exactly. Take the soldiers if possible. They are trained to fight. Also take another vehicle with you when you return we will hurry with the migration. No need to risk staying in Andrew's house with these things roaming the earth at night.

Lee: Sure thing. See you tomorrow morning and Eric, don't try to be a hero and die. You don't need to prove that you are a hero. We all know that you are without having you to risk your life doing stupid things. Stay safe.

After Lee closed the call, I was left alone as I didn't have any power do move too much. I was exhausted the same can be told for Olivia, how was already sleeping on the floor. Ace was checking the controls as he was sure that there may be more options for the gate other than open the gate and close the gate.

Slowly, but surely I closed my eyes and in the next second, I was asleep.


They both sleep, the stress, and the fact that they almost died hit them hard. Well, it seems that I will need to take the night watch. Well, I can check the metro train to see if it still works and if it works we may use it for fast travel in the tunnels.

The metro train was ten minutes away from the station, near the outside gate. When I arrived there, I quickly hopped onto the train and made my way towards the front control panel. Lucky me, the train was an electric one.

After one hour of trying to find how the train console works, I managed to start the damn thing. With train working, we gained a new way of moving underground, the only problem is the fact that this would make a lot of noise which will attract zombies. Well, if the tunnels and the station are cleared of any zombies and all of the entrance blocked. We will be able to use the train without worrying about the risk of getting attacked by zombies. Another problem was the fact that this train needs the power to work and I don't know if we can provide enough electricity to have the train full of juice.

Now I was confused about what to do with the train. I can't just move it to the station without waking up the duo. So, I decided to turn off the train and left it there while I will make my way back to the station.

After another ten minutes, I arrived at the station. Just as I was about to take a short nap, I heard gunfire coming from the entrance. Taking my carbine, I run to the metal fence only to see two police officers firing at an abomination.

The abomination looked exactly like the one described by Eric and Olivia. Now I can let the zombie kill both officers and loot them afterward, but as a human being, I decided to help them.

Ace: Run towards the fence. I'll open the path for you.

Both of the officers were stunned when they heard Ace's voice, but they quickly decided to trust this man and run towards the fence.

The abomination didn't stand idle as it tried to jump on the female officer. Lucky for her, I was aiming my rifle at the zombie and just as the zombie was about to land on the officer, I shot the thing.

The zombie didn't receive that much damage from my rifle, but it was enough to stagger him for a few seconds, which was enough for me to open the fence a little so that the officers can enter the station.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

I also created a patr eon page where I'll post advanced chapters .If any of you want to support this poor meat bun you can check my patr eon page for advanced chapters . Stay safe!

https://www.patr eon.com/meatbunkun

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