
The Boy Who Lived

~29 July 2006~

"Ermmmm, what can I do for you?"

"Do you want me to clean you up?"


I couldn't help but facepalm myself. The way Valerie says it makes her look like a prostitute who is offering some service to her soon to be a customer. I decide to walk toward the young Harry Potter and clear the matter before it causes a bigger misunderstanding.

"Phrasing Valerie."


"Yes. The way you say that makes people misunderstood your meaning."


"Yup, let me do the talk."

I sit down next to Valerie and greet the boy who lived.

"Hello. First, let me introduce myself. My name is Lexian Vongola, and this little angel is my little sister, Valerie Vongola."

I give my hand toward Harry, who hesitates a little before taking it and says.

"My name is Harry Potter, but I'm guessing you already know it."

"Yup. The reason why my sister here is asking you about cleaning is your scar."

"My scar."

"Yes. Do you have a 'nightmare' about something weird like, for example, a dream about a man with two faces or a scene where you are in the forest?"

".... Yes"

"Good, then we are right. Your scar has a piece of the so-called Dark Lord Voldemort in it."


"Yes. My sister here has a unique set of skills. She can see the souls of people. When he sees your souls, unconsciously mind you, she sees a black spot on your forehead indicating that there is a parasite on your forehead that is feeding your magic."

"... Can you destroy it?"

"Of course. That is why my sister asked you earlier. Do you want to get yourself cleaned?"

"Yes, please."

"Good. Let's go to our room. We will do the process there."

However, I see Harry standing there and not moving with his black dog, waiting for him to move.


"How much the ritual cost me?"

"Ahhhh…. No, I will not charge you for this. Splitting someone's soul is a crime in the world of magic. Destroying the soul itself is good enough for us."

"I see. Thank you"

"Thank us later after we destroy that leech."

We walk toward our room before lock it up and let Medea secure the room with her magecraft.

"Valerie, please be a dear and clean him up, will you?"

"Yes, brother!"

Valerie walks toward Harry, who sits on the bed and gives her hand to him.

"Hold my hand."


When Harry grabs Valerie's hand, it glows a little before I hear a shriek coming from Harry's scar. A second later, a black goo poured out from Harry scar, and immediately it trapped inside a transparent box made of magic.

"Done. This is a bad man."

Harry looks at the black goo inside the magic cube that contains Voldemort soul fragments that keep shrieking.

"Is that Voldemort?"

"Yes. Or at least his fragment."


"Yes, Voldemort has the guts to split his soul seven times and place it inside an item. This is the reason why Voldemort still alive."

"Then…. Does he mean he cannot be killed?"

"No, No, No. The opposite. If he only split his soul once then, he can keep his 'spare' soul to resurrect himself. However, because he split his soul seven times, we can call all the souls and kill him once for all."

"Can you do that?"

"I can't, but my sister can do it."

Harry looks at Valerie and blush once again and asks her shyly. It looks like the sky attraction has a stronger effect on her soon to be a guardian than I thought would be. I already feel his flame begin to awaken after Valerie touches him and uses her power. His flame is Lightning. I think that is fitting for Harry Potter as he tends to protect people he doesn't know or, as Hermione called it, 'Saving people' behavior. Lightning flame users tend to protect the other, especially their sky. If a Lightning has nothing to protect, then he will have a tendency that can be considered a suicidal action by the other.

"Valerie, r-right? Can you do that?"

"Of course!"

Valerie then clenches her hand like she wants to pray. A second later, I hear many shrieks coming toward us. I take my gun and get ready to fight if there is something wrong. Medea and Carol also do the same and get ready to fight just in case. A second later, I see another black goo appear inside their room, but this time, the foul aura of the goo releasing is twice as disgusting as before.

For a few seconds later, all the goo is trapped inside Valerie's magic cube. The souls inside the cube scream in pain as Valerie forcefully combines the souls into one. Harry looked at the goo in disgust.

When Valerie is ready to destroy the soul, I stop her.

"Wait a minute, Valerie."


"Don't destroy it yet. I want Harry here to destroy it. He deserves to have his revenge against Voldemort after his parent get murdered by this twisted man."

"Un. Harry here"

Harry takes the magic cube and looks at it, confused.

"What do I do to destroy this?"

"Ahhh. I have an idea. Medea, can you create a purification rune to destroy the soul? However, let Harry be the one that activated it."

I look at Medea, who nods at me and says.

"Yes, Master"

While waiting for Medea preparing the rune, I walk toward the innocent black dog under Harry's feet and point my gun on its head.

"Now, let's talk about you. Who are you?"

"Wait!!! What are you doing?!?"

"This dog is not a real dog, Harry. I can feel a magic core inside his body."

A lie. I know that this dog is Sirius Black, the so-called infamous killer, and betrayer of the Potter Family.

"Now. How about you change into your human form, or do you prefer my little friend do the talking."

The dog then slowly changed into a man with black hair and grey eyes. He looked like a zombie from the movie.

"My my. The infamous Sirius Black. What a surprise."

"Please… Please… I just want to meet my godson."


"Harry is my Godson"

"Yes. I can explain it."

"Then, please do."

Sirius then explains his situation to Harry. Meanwhile, I use my Hyper Intuition to see if he is lying or not. I don't know if this Harry Potter is a fanon where Sirius is an evil guy. Luckily he is not.

"I believe you."

"Thank you, Harry. Thank you."

"But how can we convince the Ministry to let you free?"

"I don't think you can."

I interrupt their conversation.

"The Minister or at least the Britain wizarding minister is famous for his corruption. If he can gain more political power by sending this man into an eternal torment inside the Azkaban prison, then he will do it immediately."

"But… The first time I met him, he looked like a kind person."

"Yes. Because you are Harry Potter. THE Boy Who Lived. He wants to make a good first impression on you."

"I-I…. What should I do?"

"Hmmm. We can test your way and demand the Minister to clear his name, or we can fake his death."

"Fake his death?"

"Yup, we can create a fake body that will last for at least a week before it dissolves completely… Or maybe we can go your way, and if it fails, we can fake his death."

"Then who are we approaching first? Approach Amelia Bones first. She is the head of DMLE. She can help you get a fair trial. Also, Harry uses your fame to persuade Fudge to make a trial for Sirius."

"I guess that is a great idea."

"We will begin our plan tomorrow."

As I say that I can see Medea already finished the preparation a long time ago. Medea looks at Harry and says.

"Walk toward the circle while holding the magic cube."

Harry walks to the middle of the magic circle while holding the magic cube.

"Now, push your magic to your feet. Imagine you pushing the energy inside your body and ordering it to move to your feet."

Harry frowned a little as he concentrated on pushing his magic to his feet. After a few seconds, I can see Harry Potter panting. I don't know if it was his magic that ran low or something else. When the magic circle shines, I can see Harry's body enveloped by light while, on the other hand, I see Voldemort screaming in pain at the purification method we use.

"That is disturbing."

"What? The process?"

"Yeah. I never thought to see Voldemort screaming in pain like that even when we are at war with him."

"Sirius. This method only hurts the twisted people like Voldy here. Look at Harry, he is fine and even looks at peace."

"Yeah, I guess it is still disturbing to hear Voldemort screaming in pain like that."

"I guess you are right. Anyway, you don't call Voldemort by his feared nickname 'You-Know-Who' or something like."

"No. At first, we call him that, but Lily will beat us, James and I, up if we call him by that nickname. Especially after we investigate that there is no curse in his name whatsoever. So we decide to call him by his real name."

"Heh. It's funny, you know… Voldemort is not his real name. His real name is Tom Marvolo Riddle."

"Wait. What?"

"Yes. You can ask Harry later. It looks like the ritual is finished."

True to my word, the ritual is finished, and the only thing left of Voldemort is white ash inside the magic cube.

"Good job Harry. Now let's talk about how we free this old dog."


~01 August 2006~

*Albus Dumbledore POV*

There are a few things I hate in life. The first one is someone questioning his authority, and the seconds one is an unexpected event.

This morning I received a letter from the Minister to attend an emergency meeting. At first, I thought it was a usual tactic for Fudge to ask for more gold from the old family in the Wizengamot. However, when I saw the content of the letter, I couldn't help but choke on the candy inside my mouth.

The content of the letter is the invitation to attend a public trial of Sirius Black. Of course, I immediately go to the Ministry and go to the Minister myself. However, some senior Auror denied me entry to the Minister's room, saying that I don't have the authority to enter at the moment. Don't they know who I am? I'm Albus Dumbledore dammit.

So not only I don't know what is happening, the media decide to print the 'big news' about how the betrayer of the potter has been captured and will be given a trial.

I know that the Trial will end up in Sirius Black becoming a free man, especially if I can't bribe the Minister. There are also not many people from the Dark Family that know if Sirius Black is the real spy from Tom or not. So when they hear that Sirius Black is the betrayer of the Potter family, they respect him for it.

However, all of the titles Sirius has are false, of course. I know the truth. Sirius is an innocent man through and through. He is a true Gryffindor, after all. However, I don't need him as a free person. I need to be a fugitive that relies on me to hide him from the others. I need him to control the Harry Potter life. By making Sirius depend on me, Harry will also follow in his footsteps and rely more on me.

What should I do? Hmmm.

Maybe…. Yes. I think that should work.

I get up from my comfy chair and prepare to go to the Dursleys. I cannot let Harry attend the Trial, and if I can convince Sirius Black to stay in St.Mungo for 'mental problems,' then I will be perfect. Yes, after all, who can say no to Albus Dumbledore.

The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts