
Darkest hours of restless nights!

"I need to go Naty, we will do this later." He stood up immediately as he felt a strong feeling of anxiety, horror and some weird feeling that he couldn't quite make senses of, surrounding his heart. He was sure that the feelings were not his so they must be Isabella's. 

"What happened?" She looked at him, her eyebrows knitted in confusion at the sudden change of his mood.

"I can feel Isabella is in trouble, again." He informed her as he was looking for his car keys which he threw at the nearby table but they weren't there anymore. 

"Is...this something about the mate stuff?" She asked and he nodded. She started gathering the stuff that was sprawled on the table in front of her. "I am coming with you." She walked along him as he walked towards the door after he found the keys from under the table.

"Can you track her too?" She questioned him as they sat in the car. 
