
Hold your pockets

Isabella's pov:

"She's out." I heard Dylan's squeak from the other side of the phone and I almost jumped in excitement.

"Roger boss." I felt like I was in some sort of thriller movie. 

"Hurry up guys it's our only chance." I hurried towards the car followed by Sandi and Raven. Alex was already in his car and I gave him a thumbs up sign to which he replied with a nod.  

We have been keeping an eye on the house for a few days and the woman never leaves the house nor does anyone go there. Dylan was checking up on her as usual and finally she came out. We were a few kilometers apart from him so that she didn't suspect anything unusual.

We reached the house just in a minute and Dylan was already out waiting for us. I was hoping all of our efforts don't go in vain.

"She locked the house before leaving." He informed us as soon as we reached him.
