
Brothers talk

Mishi and Xian after dropping Samuel came home. Mark and Lau Lan had left for the work while Lan Zhan was on a leave. Biyu seeing Mishi and Xian asked them if everything went well in the school. 

"Yes, mom. He is admitted to school without any prior difficulty," Xian asserted as he sat on the couch along with Mishi. 

Turning his eyes to Zhao, Xian said, "Did you talk with mom and cleared your differences?" Xian asked Zhao who shook his head in agreement. 

"Your cousin is stubborn like you. My head has started aching as he was not understanding at all until Chang talked to him and explained everything to him," Lan Zhan stated who was sitting on the sofa chair. Yin came there with a tray in her hand and handed water glasses to Xian, Mishi who thanked her. 

"Chang was here?" Mishi asked as she drank water. 
