
Chapter 13


It's been a week since I've moved in with Jungkook.


Jk: This is your room

Y/n: Wow! It's so beautiful! Thank you!

Jk:  Your welcome!

*back to present*

My family was a little upset about me moving and were shocked to hear I was pregnant but in the end I'm an adult and I have to make the right decisions for me; and refusing BangPD's plan would have been stupid. The plan ensures safely from the public and stability, plus I can get to know my baby's father and see if he's fit to help me raise him or her. Besides, who can say they have lived with their idol and was pretending to date them? Your probably wondering how army's took the news. Let's just say I've been avoiding social media. Most are supportive but a lot have been calling me things like slut, hoe, goldigger, and bitch. But names don't bother me what bothered me was when they said things like " ughh that bitch thinks she's good enough? Hah! I'll get rid of her even if I have to kill her" or " Eww she's such a whore and she's not even that pretty! Why would Jungkook choose someone like her! If he would have choose me I would show him how a REAL woman satisfy's a man". Jungkook and army have been sticking up for me tho saying things like "real army would love and support his lover just like they  support him! It's his choice on who he wants to be with! Trust him to make his own choices he's a grown adult for fucks sake!" So yeah needless to say life's been interesting. On a good note tho Namjoon said I'm doing really good at learning korean and I'm doing a better job than he thought I would in such a short time of learning. I wonder how all this will turn out? Hopefully I don't disappoint anybody.
