
2711 Entering The Passage

My God I think he's Black Flame" someone yelled out, "your right only Black Flame has that kind of skill" another person said. They all knew Black Flame very well. The players of gods domain all acknowledge Black Flame as the games strongest player, after all the man reached tier 3 and tier 4 before anyone else. And even super guilds fear his name, in fact powers like saints hand don't even dare to confront zero wing because of Black Flame. Blue Tracer was speechless unlike his comrades; he has connections with the great powers of the game and he knew that the Secret Pavilion labeled Shi Feng as a Black Level threat. Messing with him will spell disaster. "Don't just stand there the beast will go berserk soon, help deal as much damage as possible" Blue Tracer said when he noticed the tiger king's hp almost reach 30%. When an archaic mythic goes berserk it can easily surpass superior mythics, which will spell disaster for everyone, no matter how strong Shi Feng was. +

Everyone gave it their all, when the beast went berserk they all activated their berserk skills as well and used their taboo skills and curses. When the tiger king had about 2% hp left and with less than five seconds of blade awakening Shi Feng went all out and did holy devour. The battle field was filled with wild flames, everyone felt the mana around them raging and as Shi Feng swung the abyssal blade everyone felt like he swung a skyscraper of flames. With divine providence activated the abyssal blade slashed right through the tiger king reaping the last of its hp. With the monster's death a giant ball of light shot into the sky and exploded, it was the rare jackpot. Everyone was practically panting looking at the loot but no one dared to move, after all Shi Feng killed the mythic basically by himself, this was his loot and even if they wanted to steal it they knew they would only die trying. "

"Guild leader Black Flame, thank you for your help. You really saved us, my name is Blue Tracer commander of the Night Blazer adventure team if there is anything we can do to help you let me know" Blue Tracer said as he watched Shi Feng pick up the items, not caring about the loot. Shi Feng liked this man, not many people can resist the temptation of a jackpot. "Commander Tracer I'll take you up on that offer. Currently I'm heading to a hidden place on this map and I'll need some help to distract the monsters there while I unlock the secret passage. Of course I'll pay you, how does a thousand gold sound?" Shi Feng said, although he never heard of the Night Blazer adventure team, these ten individuals were all extremely strong and the fact that they had all gone beyond 100% on their mana bodies gave them the right to be here. Blue Tracer looked at his team and saw that they were all excited, something that the sword king was doing must be extraordinary, and they all wished to learn from Shi Feng up close. "Guild leader Black Flame it would be our honor to help you and forget about the gold, take it as us repaying the favor" Tracer said. "Thank you, let's rest up then move out"

After everyone rested they all started following Shi Feng. A cute girl with short hair who was an oracle mustered up her courage and walked up to Shi Feng

"um guild leader Black Flame. That last move you did to kill the tiger king didn't feel like an in game skill, can you tell me what it was?" Fauna asked.

"Fauna you shouldn't pry into other people's business, for all we know that can be a major secret" Link Wonder the team's female assassin reprimanded Fauna.

Shi Feng was shocked, normally when he used a mana technique people don't find out anything peculiar about it unless he uses it twice in a row. These people's understanding of mana rivaled his. "It's called a mana technique and anyone could do it as long as they unlocked their mana bodies. Would you like me to teach you?" Shi Feng offered, this little oracle reminded Shi Feng of Violet Cloud who he treats like a little sister, he doesn't mind teaching her about mana techniques, besides players will encounter the technique sooner or later.

"Really I would love to learn!" Fauna said with excitement, the rest of the team perked up their ears to listen. Holy devour was the strongest skill they ever saw a player use infact the move rivaled the skills they saw tier 5 NPCs use, if they can learn It they'll be unstoppable. Shi Feng then proceeded to explain the concept and method of mana techniques, whenever the group encountered a monster Shi Feng would display light shadow and holy devour to them.Shi Feng also helped them with their combat techniques and explained some methods to improve their skill completion rates. The team was captivated by Shi Feng and greedily asked for his guidance every chance they got, they all grew stronger. This surprised everyone, Shi Feng was nothing like the arrogant almighty expert they expected him to be, he was calm, easy going and very kind. BlueTracer himself was shocked he now understood why zero wing became what it was today. After a few hours with Shi Feng they felt like a whole new world was open to him. +

After about five hours of traveling the group made it to a mountain with a giant diamond gate and engraved on the gate were images of a battle. "This is the place as soon as I start opening the doors monsters will be attracted here. I just need you to protect me for one minute ok" Shi Feng said. Tracer and everyone else nodded heir heads in response, if they couldn't protect Shi Feng for one minute then they can't call themselves experts. Shi Feng looked at the door and started imitating the moves of the swordsman engraved on the door. As they watched him it looked like Shi Feng was practicing a combat technique.

Every blade wanderer is different and has different requirements to meet, just because a player has a chance to meet one doesn't mean they can fulfill the steps to. When this gate was discovered people did everything in their power to open it but to no avail, until one day a group of tier 3 friends were joking around the place and live streaming . One of them started copying the images of the battle for fun and that opened the door. This astonished everyone watching the livestream. Afterwards the group entered the ruin and came out completely different. Every one of them became tier 5 after that and the swordsman actually became tier 6, thus becoming a legendary event in the game. As the door started to open mana that calmed the mind and cleanse the body of bad energies blanketed everyone. Before the team could enjoy this feeling they heard the roars of monsters and saw a stampede of over a 300 various great lords and grand lords rush to their location. "Magnus, Sweet Earl prepare your tier 3 curses try to create some gaps in the heard, Cole, Link and Fauna guard guild leader Black Flame, Luck, Shining, and Slick you three will be the front line don't let a single monster pass you, Hawk your with me, go set up traps I'll protect you while you do." Tracer gave out his commands and the team went to work. Shi Feng was impressed, Tracer assigned tasks based on everyone's strengths and went to prepare traps in consideration of more monsters. Shi Feng was going to originally use his personal guards but really didn't want to just in case a monster they couldn't handle showed up, after all tier 5 creatures wandered this map as well and they were in the area of a world boss so he couldn't use the Bible of darkness. For one minute the night blazers fought relentlessly and not a single monster touched Shi Feng. When he was done and the door fully opened a silver barrier spread out to over a 100 yards pushing away all the monsters and protecting the team. "Come on, the door won't stay open for long lets go" Shi Feng said. Everyone entered the ruin and the door closed shut.
