
The Bulgarian Descendent

"Spiritalis enim virtus sacramenti ita est ut lux: etsi per immundos transeat, non inquinatur"

"The spiritual virtue of a sacrament is like light: although it passes among the impure, it is not polluted."

-        Augustine of Hippo.

"Look at these pathetic faggots, Yuri."

A distance away Antonius, the people these merchants having been waiting for so damn long, is casually seated on a hill observing the commotion beneath him with a clear sight, while in contrast these people beneath cannot see him. He has been here all the well but refused to go inside the terrace and meet these merchants just to torture them by baking their souls on fire. He did this of course not to just entertain himself, but because this is a common way of negotiation, where by you scrub your opponent off their patience first, then scare them in to submitting to your request.
