
Reaction (3/5)

"Wait..." Bulma said with a frown, "How did you know I was going to even date Goku in the first place."

"I didn't." Shiro grinned at her, "I dreamed of the day that Goku-kun would find love, I dreamed of the possibilities of what would happen, not just the good, but also the bad, and I made plans of multiple possible outcomes that will exist, that caused my son harm. Just to protect him"

Dr. Brief's eyes held respect, after what he has heard, he was still so young, and yet...so mature, something must have happened to him, because no one can be mature like that at that age without something happening to him.

Unless Shiro-san was older than he looks, which Mr. brief's doubts, but even still, with how old Goku...."

"Goku-san, pardon me for asking, but how old are you?" Mr. Brief's asked.

Goku smiled nervously, "I am 2 years younger than Bulma-chan, Sir."

""I see..." he turned to his daughter, and opened his mouth about to say something, when Mrs. Breif, came in with the drinks.


"Thank you Mrs/ Brief's." Shiro said politely Mrs, briefs smiled brightly at him.

I think you can call me sister right? Now that my daughter is getting married?"

Bulma and Goku blushed

Bulma spit out the water that she literally just started to drink, and started to cough violently.

Goku was trying to calm her down, his own face red but he endured his own embarrassment, to care for his girl.

Something that Shiro had noticed, and smiled at that.

He always knew, he made a mental list of Goku doing everything that Shiro taught him about love and kindness to your own girl.

Goku became a better man because of that.

Much better than the more, Superhero Goku in the anime, but he was much smarter because of everything Shiro throughout the years.

It was a short couple of seconds towards the minute mark, when Bulma calmed down.

"Mom ,really?!"

"I do not see the problem dear..." Mrs brief...was that a smirk, she must be really enjoying her daughters reaction, "You too are so deeply in love with eachother, I can just feel it."

Mrs breif opens her eyes and glanced at Goku, "I heard everything dear, you have my blessings to marry my daughter."

"Patchy honey. aren't jumping the gun abit"

O lay off of it dear." Mrs brief responded quickly, "he made sure to return our daughter safely." she turned her gaze back to Goku and Bulma and smiled at them, "you must have had a great adventure looking for the dragon balls, I wouldn't be surprised if you fell in love through that."

Mr.brief, looked at them intently for a long moment, before he sighed, he could see it, Bulma had been in love before, but this...there was a difference, this was not the same... this was a love forged through trial and tribulation, a love forged through adventure, this was real love.

His daughter was growing up so fast.
