

A/N: I am back and this is a shorter than usual chapter just to get up to the swing of things.

After Bulma explained the story with Goku adding little quips here in there that got her either indignant or blushing

Bulma and Goku were both blushing from the looks they were receiving from there own family.

"Dear, I thought I taught you better than to look on your phone while your riding in the woods." Mr. Brief said in a deadpanned tone to his voice.

"That's what your mad about!" Bulma shouted, "Not at all about Goku gropping my butt nor my boobs."

Mr. Brief raised an eyebrow as

Mrs brief's giggled.

"Well,from what you said it sounded like he didn't mean to do it at all," she responded with a soft smile towards her daughter and boyfriend, and I'd say the whole thing was your fault dear..

Mr. Breif nodded his head, "Yes, I am inclined to agree, I cannot blame the boy for something that was your fault, and it seems like the Groping was an accident, due to your own mistake of not watching where you were going."

"The dear also seems like such a gentleman." Mrs. Brief giggled again, "I am sure he wouldn't do something as vile as that."

Shiro nodded his head, fighting the urge to smirk smugly at her, "Yes, I indeed raised Goku well enough to know how to treat a lady."

Bulma's jaw dropped to the ground, "I cannot believe this!"

Shiro looked at her , "Do you not want your parents to like him?" He asked, "Do you not love my son?"

"No! I uh...it's just that..." Bulma spluttered, I couldn't help it, he burst out laughing, Mr. and Mrs. Brief's were chuckling and giggling quietly to themselves.
