
Meeting Kami

Gine woke up with a start.

he screams, she looked and saw that shiro wasn't in bed with her and became concerned, Shiro? She went to find him, the first thing she did when was go to the room where Shiro and herself trained, she found him, but he was different, his brown hair was now golden, his eyes were green like grass, even the smaller differences were still a big difference to her.

He was taller, not much, but taller, and she also noticed his muscles had increased on his body too, and he had a golden battle aura, that shined around him. He really did look like an angel, a guardian angel, he was panting slightly his eyes, gazed at his his hands in awe, "So this is the Power of a Super Saiyan," he muttered, "incredible..."

Gine could not believe what she had heard, "A Super Saiyan for real..." she whispered...

"You should be in bed Gine, it is very late..." Shiro's voice snapped her out of her Daze... she ignored him as she continued to stare at his form...

"Are...are you... are you really a Super Saiyan?" She asked

"Yes," Shiro nodded, "This form is infact a Super Saiyan, a transformation, this is a form, that could only be used by one person in this world,"

He was talking about Broly...

"Go to bed Gine, it is getting late..." Shiro said causing Gine to glare at him, "You have been staying up training, so don't you dare tell me I need sleep when you have been up Gods know how long.."

Shiro sighed, "I already, told you Gine, I do not need sleep, unlike the rest of the Saiyans my bodies Ki produces infinite Ki, so it never runs out, especially when I train..."

She glared at him, before she sighed, very well then, you will teach me how to become a SuperSaiyan Yes? "

Shiro nodded, "yes of course, but not right now, once you get stronger, you will be able to achieve this form."


The spaceship landed on earth, when Shiro and Gine exited out of there ships, Gine looked around with interest, "So this is Earth, " She said, "it is much lighter than planet Vegeta..."

Shiro nodded to her, "Yes, that is because of the gravity of this planet, Vegeta is greater..."

Shiro looked around as well, and took a deep breath of fresh air, Shiro, 'System, point me to the direction to the direction of Kami's look out...I need him to meet King Yemma, in the Afterlife.

[Compliance] Shiro's eyes began to glow green, before he placed the ship in his own inventory. Much to the surprise of Gine who looked at where it was confused before looking around trying to find it,

"Where did the ship go?" she asked, Shiro smiled, "It's just one of the things a few people can do, I am included in it, I just put it way for now..." He began to float off the ground, "Shall we go?"

Gine took another glance towards the place she was at, then she followed him, Once they arrived her eyebrow raised in surprise, "A Namekian?"

Kami nodded to them while Mr. Popo stood in the distance, "I had a feeling you'd be coming here, what do I owe you of this visit?" he asked.

"I am a seer of sorts." Shiro told him, "I know you have tides to the afterlife, seeing as you are the God of this world, I need to Speak to King Yemma, it is of grave importance for the future of this universe...this world itself is the center of mostly everything... the universe hangs in the balance."

This shocked Kami, but he recognized the Sincerely of his words, "I see..very well we must act quickly..."

"Kami!" Mr. Popo was shocked, and Kami noticed and quickly explained to him, "I understand the concern mr.Popo, but these visitors, mean no harm, I have seen their hearts and I have not seen someone as pure as them...they bear no ill intent to this planet nor it's people, and I can tell when people are lying...

Mr. Popo slowly nodded his head as he heard what he said, "Very well Kami, I trust you."

So, how was it? if you like it, comment, let me know of your thoughts, and vote powerstones, have a nice day

Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts