
Meeting Gine

Shiro was sailing through the stars with his ship when he asked a very important question, ""System when is Planet Vegeta's destruction?"

"[3 weeks before planet Vegeta's demise.]

Shiro sighed in relief, "Is Gine alive and is Kakarot born yet?"

"[Kakaorot has been Born, but Gine is close to death.

[Compliance.] Shiro sighed in relief again, "System, light up a path towards Gine's Location right away."

Shiro's eyes glowed green as he found a path that traveled through space, he listened to the system guiding him like a gps, Shiro pushed it at full speed, it took nearly an instant later, with the help of his system things ran smoothly, he saw his eyes widened when he saw a familiar woman, in a familiar Saiyan Armor, Unconscious, "System, no time, can you transfer the Atomic regeneration ability to Gine,?"

[Yes, would you like me to-]


Shiro's body glowed breifly a bright light, almost a second later, Gine's body started to glow the same, her injuries all healed up nicely, however she was still bloody, Shiro used a simple low level water Jutsu, to clean her up, then shiro , used a light wind jutsu to dry her off. Afterwards he checked her pulse, She was still breathing, that's good..

Shiroo took his two fingers off her throat, and smiled, "Everything should be fine, and her power skyrocketed. System what happened, Shouldn't she be on the Planet Vegeta?"

[She was given a mission, shortly after she gave birth, but she betrayed frieza's hentchemen, who were working with her after overhearing an order from them that Planet vegeta was going to be destroyed. Unfortunately, her escape did not go well, as her partners, Frieza's henchman, caught, her, but they failed to kill her.]

"Shiro snorted, "Obviously..." He looked at her, before looking back at the ship with a thoughtful look on his face, he glanced back at his her, he gave off a sigh, "Well, I can't just leave her here can I? I picked her up gently, and carried her back to the ship, placing her onto the bed to let her sleep.


A pair of eyes slowly fluttered open, she was confused, she didn't know where she was, all she remembered was....her eyes shot open as everything that happened finally came onto her, "Oh no, Kakarot!" She quickly jumped to her feet, alarmed, Frieza, he plans on destroying Planet Vegeta, and Kakarot, her baby boy is still in there!

"Easy Gine, " a calm soothing voice said to her, "even though your injuries are healed, you still need to rest..."

She quickly turned to the voice and a man, the onlything average about him was his face and body type, he had one of the most strangest clothing she had ever seen, and a..is that a tail? So he's a Saiyan, What kind of Saiyan have brown hair? Weird, but maybe, since he's a saiyan he will let me go if I tell him that, planet vegeta is destroyed."

""Sir, you are a saiyan right? Then please, you have to let me go, Frieza is going to destroy our planet, and my son is there!

The man,, no, I should say a teenager, he looks really young now that I got a good look at him...

"I am sorry Gine,, I can't send you back to planet Vegeta, for I do, you will be destroyed along with the planet, but Kakarot will survive..."


I blinked, "He knows my name? I am not exactly popular among my fellow saiyans due to my personality, and my name isn't really well known, and how does he know my sons name is Kakarot, "How do you know my name, how do you know my sons name, who are you?"

The young man stared at her for a moment,"My name is Shiro." he said, before a smile began to slowly form onto his face, "It's nice to meet you, Gine."

So, how was it? I decided to do something different with Gine I also edited the story to make it make sense, I am sorry kind of got ahead of myself., I hope you like it, if you do, comment, let me know of your thoughts, and vote powerstones, have a good day.

Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts