
Rookie nine reunite

Once team 11 entered through the door we saw all of the genin team that was participating in the chunin exams there

"Hey Shiro!" I turned to the source of the voice and smiled, "Oh hey, ino Shikamaru and Chi, How are you?"

"We are good." Ino smiled

"Hey, Shiro-kun." a voice spoke shiro turned to the voice where he could see hinata smiling at him. Kiba on her side scowling at him.

"Hello Hinata-chan," Shiro smiled kindly, causing her to blush "good luck on your exams."

Naruko looks up and frowns when she sees hinata eyeing Shiro like he's candy, or in her case, cinamon-buns.

"I am sorry, but who are you to be looking at my man like that?" Naruko asked pulling him to the side, glaring at her, surpising both Shiro and Haku. Naruko doesn't know this woman, unlike Haku, who she knows very well.

"Oh you will in the future," Hinata replied, with a dangerous smirk, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him close to her, surprising Naruko, "But I know for a fact that,-" she smacked Shiro's ass causing him to yelp and Naruko to growl. "-his booty is mine."

The crowd that saw this blushed, while others remained impassive, jealous, irritated, or just plain angry.

Naruko pulled him to the side and glared at her with a fierce stare. Hinata met her stare with a stare of her own, sparks erupted between them.

"Troublesome women.." Shikamaru muttered,

Ino slapped him upside the head.

A couple of young Konoha Kunochi, couldn't help but stare in disbleif, he is just a civilian.

"Alright everyone calm your tits!" A voice spoke causing shiro to frown as he gazed towards the sound, it was a traitors voice. Kabuto. "All this tnoice is riling everyone up."

Kiba Scoffed, "Let them."

"Who are you?" asked Sakura.

"My name is Kabuto, the veteran in these exams." The now named Kabuto replied.

"How many times did you take them?" Ino asked curiously.

"Seven times." he said slightly embarrassed.

"Wow you must have a lot of experience."Sakura said.

"Ha! Seven times? You must be so weak." Kiba mocked.

'Coming from a guy who got beat in the first match by a kid who is supposed to be a deadlast,' Shiro thought deadpanned, 'but then again, Naruto is different, as his will to never give up, is stronger than most.'

"That must mean that the exams are a lot more troublesome than I thought." Shikamaru sighed, "Ugh, what a drag."

"You are right it is, but I'll tell you what." he pulled out a card from his pocket, causing Shiro to borrow his eyes at them.

"I'll get you some help with these, these are my shinobi info cards."


"Give me info on Shiro!" Sasuke replied glaring at said person

Kabuto looked at him curiously, before he nodded, "Yes, I have one of Shiro, just hold on a moment."

Shiro's eyes were trained onto the cards, as he was wondering just what exactly did the cards have on him regarding info, and how much.

He shuffled through his cards, before his eyes lit up as he found one, "ah here is Shiro's card." He said, "It says here that he is born from a civilian family, and no bloodline special, but he was able to beat, the demon of the mist Zabuza by breakdancing?"

'He was most definitely. obvious he was there at the time, or at least had spies how else would he have gathered the information.

There was a lot of incredulous looks from the crowd, some refused to believe it.

Shiro sighed in relief, so it didn't show all of his techniques, he only had what I presented at the fight with a wave.

He seemed to be brought Zabuza an A-ranked missing-nin and his student haku converted them into leaf shinobi.

That got Shiro a couple of glares from the mist nin, but Shiro ignored them, they wouldn't try something unless they-


"You bastard!"

Yup, they're stupid.

It was then that children decided to be children and attacked instead of keeping their composure. Who would be stupid enough to think that attacking Shiro and Kabuto would be a wise thing. especially when they are here in their own territory.

3 of the mist nin attacked Shiro, the while the sound nin leaped for Kabuto.

Shiro blocked the punch before he grabbed them by the wrists and flung them towards the the team who were attacking Kabuto.

Shiro was lucky enough to have thrown them and hit them all in the right place in the head, causing them to be knocked out.

"Nice shot." Haku said looking over to where Kabuto was kicking them aside.

"Thanks but that was just luck how they managed to become unconscious, that easily... I think." Shiro replied.

Naruko snorted and crossed her arms.

Kabuto looked at him with a grateful smile.""Thanks for that."

Shiro gave him a deadpanned look," I didn't do it for you." Shiro deadpanned. "I just don't like it when people lose composure over such things."

"Right." Kabuto nodded.

"Alright brats Quite down!" a voice roared causing shiro and the others to turn to the voice and we spotted, 'ah yes, Ibiki.'
