
Shiro vs Zabuza

abuza grinned sadistically under his mask of wraps as he walked towards him.

"No personal feelings old man just doing my job." He swung the sword down only for it to miss as a hand grabbed Tazuna by the wrist and. yanked him back."

'What the... ' he glanced back at the three now even more incompetent then they were before. '

Hey, relax old man, we're Allies." He heard a voice, he quickly turned his head to see... he let out a huge grin 'Oh unbelievable.'

"So this is all you have as a back up...two kids and a ninja who looks like he can barely even stand... how....disapointing."

Naruko looks at him with a blank look while shiro just ignored him and continued trying to calm the old man down.

Zabuza got slightly rritated at their reactions.


With Shiro.

"We are here." Shiro exclaimed as he arrived at the scene of the battle.. sasuke is knocked unconscious. Sakura is... crying? well thats sakura for you..

Sai was also knocked out. I assumed He had fought better than those two.

Tazuna was scared shitless, that much was obvious...

and...Oh look there is Zabuza.. he looks like he is going in for the kill...

Shiro's eyes widened, "Oh crap." Shiro shot forward before. his teamates had time to react.

He didn't have time to notify them, if he did Tazuna would have been dead.

He raced towards him. Once he was at grabbing distance he quickly grabbed him and yanked him away as the sword hit the ground were he was at.


After he was calmed down.Naruko stepped up her eyes ready for battle.

"Well?" Naruko cracked her knuckles." Shall I face him first?"

"No." Shiro pulled her back causing her to pout slightly. "Dont give me that look, You had your turn with Mizuki, now its my turn."


Shiro glanced towards his sensei who was in thought, "Yamato?"

"That sounds good, Shiro can you take Zabuza or hold him off untill I get Kakashi out of his prison Naruko you gaurd the old man, make sure he is not dead." Yamato said.

We both nodded.

"I hope you can do better than those sorry excuse for a ninja." Tazuna remarked.

Yamato shook his head and sighed.

Naruko glared at tazuna "Shut up old man!"

"She's right, you have no room to talk to us like that." Shiro said, "if you are skeptical of our strength and upcoming performance let our actions prove our competence."

Yamato and Naruko nodded in agreement to his words before the three rushed into action.

As Shiro is face to face. with Zabuza. there is tense silence before Zabuza speaks .

"What makes you different from them."


"Your one of those silent ones huh, I could of sworn I heard you talking moments ago.

"I prefer to let my actions speak for myself." Shiro replied plainly, never once one for showing off and boasting.

Zabuza's smile only grew in response.

"My expectations of you are much better than those brats I hope you so have the strength to back up your confidence."

he put his sword in position and got ready.

Shiro coated his body in chakra and got into a stance. Ready.






Left twist.

Right twist.

"Would you stop dodging and try to fight back!" Zabuza said in irritation as he swung his sword downward. Shiro put in more chakra to shield his body before he raised his index finger on his right hand to block.

This action flabbergasted everyone except Naruko. Zabuza's eyes looked like it was going to bug out of its socket.

"H-how did you...?"

Shiro shrugged, "Simple Chakra enhancement."

Zabuza growled, Simple Chakra enhancement my ass, if that was the case then my sword should easily pierce your finger, as I am doing the same thing with my swings."

"I guess I just have more chakra then you." Shiro replied plainly.

Zabuza gritted his teeth before he have in Another swing causing Shiro to raise his finger and block it again.

He swung it again but this time in a different angle Shiro blocked it with his left arm. This went on again and again for a moment, and he blocked all of the attacks with different parts of his body. and avoided some.

Spinning to the right.

Spinning to the left.

Dropping to the ground.

Doing a full circle spin doging another blow before landing to his feet. To the people who were watching the fight were staring incredulously, because it looked like he was break dancing.

"Is...is he dancing?" Tabuza asked no one in particular. Eyes locked onto the battle in disbelief.

"It sure seems that way doesn't it?" Naruko smiled hearing Tazuna's statement as she watched the fight. Zabuza, frustrated growls as he swings at the head only for Shiro to spin out of the way, only to suddenly stop, one of his hands on his balls while he leans onto his toes and thrust throwing the other hand into the air with the arm outstreatched.

"Ow!" He exclaimed with a huge grin. causing naruko to giggle slightly.

Back an the battle.

"Stop mocking me!" Zabuza roared as he swung again only for Shiro to dodge. "All your doing is dodging and blocking like a wuss Fight me like a man not like a coward!"

This caused Shiro's smile to be wiped off his face.He stopped moving. Zabuza took the chance, he smirked as his sword swung down into Shiro's neck.

Shiro grabbed the sword and yanked it from his grip shocking him, He put it into his inventory before charging at Zabuza, before he could say anything with binding speeds. Shiro's elbow impacted Zabuza's gut sending him back 's couple meters Zabuza gasped as spit came flying out of his mouth before he growled in anger and tried to punch him back, Shiro blocked it, and sent a barrage of punches and kicks before he upercutted Zabuza upwards.

As Zabuza was in the air, Shiro did a few handsigns and raised his hands. The hands caught fire. and the temperature increased.

He was about to fire when. thousands of needles came soaring out of nowhere, into Zabuza.

If Shiro hadn't watched the series he would nhave thought him to be dead.

Haku appeared in disguised as a hunternin.

"Thank you very much ninja-san, but I'll take it from here."
