
Yamato's test

Naruko looked Shiro's way.


"You know what the test is going to be about, if is a test battleing a him on?" He asked her.

Naruko frowned in thought before she looked back up at ne, "Teamwork?"

"Right," Shiro nodded "it would be obvious that normal genin wouldn't stand a chance against a jonin, a former anbu captain from what I have heard."

"That would be true but we aren't. exactly normal genin now are we." Naruko smirked.

"Yes, but try not to be arrogant, No matter how much stronger we become, there will always the possibility of someone being stronger."

This is the omniverse after all, infinite potential.

"Make sense..." Naruko nodded.

They eventually spotted out sensei yamato waiting patiently at the training grounds.

Who told us What our assignment was, it was basically the same as kakashi, only it was a. different style, Yamato style.

Currently he was just finishing telling then of their assignment.

"...Come at me with the intent to kill, then you will truely be able to defeat me and gain the rank of genin" Yamato finished.


Shiro and Naruko nodded and prepared themselves

Yamato crossed his arms, "3 ..."

Naruko sqauted slowly in running position.

2 ..."

Shiro narrowed his eyes as he two got into a fightning stance.


Naruko looked Shiro's way.

(Time skip)

A couple of hours later Shiro and Naruko stared at the their teacher with a sheepish looks on their faces.

"We definitely overdid it." Naruko muttered.

What had happened?


Naruko didn't use the rasengan or the flying thunder God technique, but the second There was a tense stand off, before Naruko charged at him, with Shiro following closely behind.

Naruko landed a punch Yamato at instant contact was surprised at the strength she had in her punch Naruko twisted her body and kicked him backwards sidestepping allowing Shiro to take in he through a punch at him.

Yamato quickly gothim self together before he blocked it and managed to punch Shiro back.

Both Shiro and Naruko charged back in. Shiro from the left and Naruko from the right.

There was an exchange of blows. Yamato feeling the need to step it up, did a few handsigns before o swallow Naruko up in a wooden cage before he went to attack Shiro.

Shiro spinned out of the way before he did a hand sign a puff of smoke was heard a and his clone went to rescue Naruko, another couple of handsigns followed before he charged forward.

As Shiro charged forward with blinding speeds. Yamato' eyes widened before he managed to throw a punch.

His punch went right through shiro!

Naruko now freed She charges into the battle with Shiro.

Shiro bends backwards as Yamato does a flying kick his way before he kicks him upwards and jumps to his feet he does another set of handsigns before his hands catches fire, he jumps up and gives yamato a flying uppercut "Katon; shroyuken!" their was *Clap!* Sound before he. shot up higher into the air.

As Naruko ran she did a few handsigns before she jumped and did a spinning kick with both legs encased in wind chakra.

Yamato's eyes widen before he crossed his arms on instinct.

Once her leg made impact, a huge gust of wind followed before Yamato was sent crashing into the ground.

"You are way to strong to be genin," Yamato panted before he fell unconcious.

(Flashback End)
