
Chapter 88

Author note: Avatar novel already up in patreon, with the dragon ball z one dropping today.

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I had melted the snow around me, the how…. it was still unclear for me, did the God of Light gave me more than I thought he did? I was certain I didn't have any fire related powers before.

Shaking my head, I decided to focus on that later, I had to start mobilizing for the first war at hand, while my main enemy was certainly not what I had expected… the plan was still the same, I had to unite the seven kingdoms, and fight the forsaken with the living as one.

And if I really did have a new power I wasn't aware of, I would learn to control it along the way.

"My King," Jon ran up to me, with a worried expression, "You shouldn't be out here without any guards," I didn't know if felt insulted by that comment or flattered he already cared this much for me, maybe a bit of both, but for his sake, I will feel flattered.

"It alright Jon," I chuckled, "I just needed to blow off some steam," Literally, I suppose that phrase isn't metaphorical with me anymore, well… that's if I learn t replicate whatever I did today.

"Father wants to discuss our approach in the war," Jon informed me.

"Sure, lead the way Lord Targaryen," I nodded, making Jon uncomfortable, and I can't blame him, all his life he thought himself to be a bastard, and now he is being forced into nobility.

"I still don't think it's wise to waste such title on me," Jon muttered, his head down.

"Stop selling yourself short Jon," I sighed, "You are an amazing guy, with a heart of gold… and considering how the ninety percent of people in this world is, you should feel worthy of that seat…. for real… Do you really think people like Tywin deserve to rule? Yes he is smart and very good at what he does, but he is also a piece of shit that would do anything and sacrifice to win, people like Ned and You are very very rare,"

"I don't think I'm worthy, but I will do my best," Jon smiled a bit less depressed, I suppose my words helped him a bit.

"You better," I playfully threatened him as we walked back to Winterfell, with my mind eventually drifting off back to my encounter with the Night King, so much shit to deal with in so little time, one thing was clear… as soon as I won this war… I would take one year off…. I deserved that shit.


[Tywin Lannister POV]

Ronard Mormont has crossed the sea with more than half of his army, this was beneficial for us, with the Tyrells in our side and with Ronard bringing just a part of his army, we had an army roughly the same size as Ronard's.

Which meant things would play out depending on our strategy, and while I admit Ronard is possibly one of the best players of the game I had faced in decades, I was still better, I had experience, this wasn't my first war, nor it would be my last one.

"Father; Lady Olenna wants to discuss the wedding arrangements with you," Tyrion said announcing his presence.

"The old rose… all she wants to do is waste my time," I sighed, Olenna was an annoying necessity for now, but if she thought I would indulge her because of that, she was utterly wrong.

"Well, I will let Lady Olenna know you are busy," Tyrion sighed.

"How is your sister taking all this ?" I inquired, since the betrothal between Joffrey and Margaery was made I haven't heard anything from her.

"She is against the idea of Lady Margaery and Joffrey marrying," Tyrion said, and frankly that information didn't surprise me at all, sometimes I thought Cersei wanted for her children to die alone, that or she wanted to marry them… no one was ever good enough for them…

"It's a good thing her opinion is irrelevant for this decision," All my kids were a failure on their own way, stupid, reckless, naive, and immature… all I ever wanted to leave behind once I died was a legacy, something worth remembering and worth continuing, but that wasn't the case… I hadn't left anything behind worth continuing, if only Jaime would stop playing the idiot on shining armor...but there was still time. Time to change the pitifully disgusting legacy I had, and I would do it.

"I suppose," Tyrion nodded.


[Cersei Lannister POV]

Queen you shall be… until there comes another, younger and more beautiful, to cast you down and take all that you hold dear.

The prophecy of all my children dying… I had to stop it at any cost, the prophecy said a younger queen would cast me down, alongside my children. It was simple really…. all I had to do was to avoid that date was to kill any other Queen and keep the crown.

Margaery would have to die, for she aimed for the wrong position, and I would do anything to protect my children, anything.

"You seem tense," Jaime said kissing me.

"Of course I am," I sighed, "I'm the only one trying to protect our children…"

Jaime pouted for a second, before kissing one more time, "Don't be like that, you know I love them…. and would die for any of them,"

I smiled, "I know,"

"But I seriously doubt Joffrey marrying the Tyrell girl is that bad," Jaime laughed, "Is not like he will die on his wedding night or something, perhaps he will stop skinning cats alive and get a new hobby fucking his wife."

Jaime was lucky I loved him, he was so naive if he thought that wretched slut would live long enough to be called a Queen.

"She is not worthy of Joffrey," I finally said.

"Let's face it my lioness… no one will ever be worthy enough for you," Jaime laughed.

"Because no one is," I hissed at him.

"Alright, it seems someone needs to release some stress," Jaime smiled, whispering into ear those words in a seductive manner, as he licked my ear, "I volunteer for the task my Queen,"

Jaime my other half, my good half, "Very well, I think you deserve some desert," I smirked at him.


[Varys The Spider POV]

Illryo was dead… and Ronard was here, what an unfortunate turn of events… if I had to take a guess, Ronard discovered my plots to try and manipulate him to support the Young Griff.

And if I had any chance for dialogue Illryo destroyed it, with his idiotic plan to destroy Ronard before he left Essos, and now with Illryo gone the young bear would aim his claws at me.

And in the end, I had but two options, dying or helping him, because if he spread the news that I was the one that freed Lord Stark and helped him marry Daenerys I would immediately get killed….he had me on checkmate, I had no idea if he knew this or not, or if he played knowing he would have me at his feet by the end of the game…. but regardless of it he had won, and for now I had to help him… at least until the Young Griff was strong enough to claim the throne.

"Once again you win," I muttered, with a low chuckle, once again the enigma of the young bear had vastly exceeded my expectations, but sooner or later he would slip… and I would be there to exploit that moment of weakness.
