
Greater Rattus

W-what is that?...


Greater Rattus Lv. 4

HP: 1750/1900 MP: 1467/1500


What? That can't be... No way... That status is too much. Is that the power of a Greater being? That's worlds apart from me, can I even defeat that?

Once again, I froze up once more. Not again, I don't want that to happen again... but I just can't move my muscle. Something that of incredible power in front of me, I'd die from that. Even if I run, my siblings will die... we will die.


His size overlapped the entrance that his eyes and arms were the only things visible. His fur was crimson red, messy, and what seems to be full of injury... Are those acid scars?

Those acids are the same damage my great siblings make... I can't beat that. Are you telling me he killed my great siblings and only get what looks to him like a scratch?

No way... Haha.

Then a hiss snapped me back to reality once again. I was still traumatized that my eyes were visibly deep inside my skull. I looked at my sibling that called me as she pointed at my older brothers.

A screech, louder than I've ever heard before, rang into my ears. It fully snapped me out from my thinking as I looked at the Greater Rattus making the loud noise. My older brothers were attacking non-stop as one kicked his tail to launch us across the stairs.

I just stared as I hit my back on the edge of the staircase as they attacked like their life... no... our life depended on it. I just felt how stupid they are for wasting their lives for us.


Not this time, I'm not gonna end it like this!

Acid Spit!

The giant rat squeaked once more as he broke the entrance and killed one of my older siblings. I nodded my head to my little siblings to escape as they ran back upstairs.

I kept attacking and attacking until I realized I was the only one left, facing the crimson rat head-on. It looked at me with a clear reason to underestimate me, he looked at me as close as it could be, with its bloodshot eyes. Smelling me with its nose...

And he opened his mouth as his insides started to light up. Perfect!

Acid Spit!

I waited for this since earlier but he doesn't seem to use fire techniques until now. I would've been happier if my older siblings were alive but I have to stay alive. I used my [Acid Spit] on the crimson rat's mouth as it entered towards its innards.

If I can't penetrate the outside, then I'll just hit the insides!

And I was right!

He started to shriek as I looked at her health, steadily going down. That's what I noticed from these rats, they have really thick hides but their insides are as normal as it should be. I guessed that if they were fighting us, they should at least be Acid Resistant but I guessed wrong.


Greater Rattus Lv. 4

HP: 853/1900 MP: 1467/1500


It took half of his health with that one move. Then I'll give you the most powerful [Acid Spit] I can muster!

During training, I realized that if you focus on your glands. You can use all of your acids in one attack—this is my ultimate technique!

Massive Acid Spit!

It grew to a size the same as mine as I launched it towards its open mouth that started to bubble up.


Greater Rattus Lv. 4

HP: 0/1900 MP: 0/1500


["Acid Spit" Has leveled up to Lv. 4!]

[You have leveled up to Lv. 5!]

[You have leveled up to Lv. 6!]

[You have leveled up to Lv. 7!]

[You have leveled up to Lv. 8!]

[You have leveled up to Lv. 9!]

[You have leveled up to Lv. 10!]

[You are now ready for evolution!]

I stood there as I looked at the mammoth-sized rat and as my body gave up on me—I fell and laid on the ground.

God, I can't even move an inch... and I'm really hungry to haha. I can't believe I killed someone who was that powerful. If it weren't for my human brains, I would've never thought of that.

It was great that I can muster up my strength and save some of my kin. Even though I don't care for them as much, my instincts makes me want to protect them.

I didn't even notice getting scratched that heavily by that monster, my tail got completely ripped out from that destruction he made. My adrenaline got the best of me and my pain receptors seemed to have gone numb.

Huh? I can't shed my skin, what's happening?

[You are now ready to evolve into a Great Serphedia! Commence? Y/N]

That panel was the only thing I can see beyond my blurry eyes and without hesitation, I clicked yes. I needed to heal myself through Ecdysis, so this will do the trick—

What? I suddenly got a massive headache as my eyes are getting blurrier and my head started to spin. No, I can't lose consciousness... I... can't.

I felt as if I was in a dark void, laying in a fetal position. It was calm and it was quiet, is this what heaven feels like? I don't know why but I seem so complete as a shine of light touched my skin.

I feel like I was being reborn as my body started to get reconstructed like puzzle pieces. It didn't hurt and it didn't sting at all... it was just trying to fix me back.

[Evolution Successful!]

I woke up to the tingling sensation of my head coming back as I realized I was still in the cave. I realized I was still a snake.

My eyes were still blurry as I saw the Crimson Rat laying in front of me, dead. I remembered what previously happened as I tried to calm myself. I carefully stood up to realize that I was taller than before.

No way... I thought that was all just a dream.

I evolved into an older sibling!!!
