
Chapter 21

The morning began as beautifully as the night had ended for him. A wonderful time spent with Vukan and a lot of memories shared still remained with him up until morning light. In jolly and quite thankful mood, Oliver had gotten out of bed with his heart fixated on doing one thing and visiting one place and one place alone. 

For quite some time now, he had been riddled with guilt as regards not returning to the one place he used to have so much hope in and where he found solace from his previously grieving heart. It was the same place that had provided him with Vukan and he credited the spot to be his happiness finder as well. 

Heading out early that morning, donning his favorite peach colored shirt and black shorts, he slid out of his car with humming sounds emanating from between his lips. Each step he took bore springs in them and every time he paused to have a look around, it came with the realization that he had missed being there. 
