
Chapter 2

"You aren't even trying to get your masters done, considering this crappy degree of yours cannot land you a job! Look at Oliver for heaven's sakes", the man continued without holding back. "He has a car, and is on the verge of buying himself a house without even mentioning the fact he is almost through with his online masters class!"

Vukan cursed his luck for having such a man as his father. He would rather have none than have one who continually lobbied degrading words against him. It was even more sickening to hear him being compared with Oliver. His father had the habit of making comparisons with the slightest opportunity he had and would do it by calling out others over his own son. 

"Why do you always have to compare me with others!? Why!?" Vukan snapped. "It isn't fair and you don't even understand how that makes me feel!"
