
Reminiscing His Cherished Memories.

"Wow! It's so beautiful, Gisela. You're the best at what you do," Helena said, appreciating her talent. Her cousin grinned, a blush on her cheeks providing the evidence of her shyness. "Helena, stop it. Don't embarrass me as if I did it alone. It's your work, after all. I just filled some colours into it," Gisela said, looking at her gift she'd made for Alastair's birthday. 

"Don't be modest, sweet cousin of mine, it doesn't suit you," Helena said, teasing Gisela. Helena knew how much her cousin loved the attention, and it pleased her immensely when people praised her for her talent. Gisela chuckled, playfully hitting Helena's arm. "But seriously, Helena, it's our teamwork. We did it together," she said. 
