
Lennox the Gunsmith

Sebastian, Marcel, and I finished our meals all full with some cheesy pizza, Marcel stood up with a napkin to his mouth.

"Well we have more stuff to do so we best do it right?" Marcel said. Before we could answer he gestured a dismissive wave and walked away.

"Well man I guess we had time to chat but now we need to part ways, have more stuff to tend to at the upper floor." Sebastian raises his hand as if asking for a high five. I high fived him back and he walked away.

I stood up and thought of returning back to my room, maybe lie down or get something for my weapons. I started walking back to the room from the cafeteria, it seemed closer than usual.

I got back to the room and the cold air inside smothered me like a blanket, inside it was clean and the only thing on was the light shining the living room. Walking back to my room i feel a presence behind me like somebody was close to me, i started to turn my head and behind me was Thalia.

"BOO" Thalia exclaimed, in fear I stumbled back on my door my back almost loosing my balance. Thalia bowed laughing uncontrollably as she did so.

"Thalia, jeez gave quite the bloody fright the hell is wrong with you." I said managing to speak after being overwhelmed with fear.

Thalia stands straight again with a smile on her face, "Sorry couldn't resist it." she replied. "Sorry again I'm going to my room, you got pretty scared though." Thalia headed to her room after just scaring me.

My room was the same way I left it, cold and damp with the light on. Come to think of it looks more like a stylish bunker room but how would I know, I began sitting down on my bed until I heard something, coming from my armory room. I opened the door to the room, standing there was Lennox holding the weapon I recovered the mission prior.

"Don't mind me I just wanted to see what kind of weapon this thing is, obviously its a flamethrower but maybe I can tweak some things for it." Immediately after Lennox began attaching something to the gun and added something else at the end of the barrel.

"Why are you in my room?" I bluntly asked, Lennox stared at me in confusion still holding the flamethrower.

"Do you not want someone to give your guns an upgrade," Lennox pointed a finger at my closet of guns, all of which had new things added to them but no new guns were bought. "I'm not wasting my time to do gun shopping for you, but I may have time to turn your guns into a sci-fi superweapon why? because I care for my teammates and them only." Lennox continued, he carried the flamethrower and handed it to me.

I grabbed the flamethrower from his hands, it felt lighter and emitted a blue flame on the end, under the flamethrower was an odd box.

"That right there is a fire maker, instead of the normal red stuff you get. This thing can turn your small fire into a blue wildfire." Lennox explained. "No need to thank me it's just a hobby of modifying normal guns into something better." Lennox continued.

"So Sebastian said you were from the industrial part of the country, is that why you like to modify weapons?" I asked Lennox who was crossing his arms.

"Yeah he is right, I joined because I thought I may become some sort of gunsmith, maybe a gunsmith in the 'under market' making illegal weapons. It is illegal but pretty much this entire huntsman thing is illegal." Lennox said, he is right though that teens from 16 to 18 should pretty much do killing and other stuff just to get money, 16 or 17 if you skipped grades but most likely you become a merc by 18. But what should I expect, were all killers in this place just from different backgrounds.

Lennox pushed a button that was on the table and a square hole on the wall behind him emerged. out came a test dummy of sorts, Lennox opened my locker which had my rifle and threw it at me. "Take it for a spin Damon, I want to see if you still have a sharp eye for shooting." Said Lennox.

Heeding his wishes I aimed my rifle at the target, my other eye squinted and my hands gripping the rifle tightly. I squeezed the trigger and a shot rang out, opening my eye I saw that a hole was created near the center of the target.

"Nice, now empty the mag don't stop I want to see this. Remember set it to semi I don't want you shooting all around the place." Lennox said with his hands in his pockets.

So this guy wants to see a show huh? well ok. Aiming down my rifle again I began firing again, each shot I felt my shoulder get hit with the tough weight since I did not have armor on to protect it. Each second I repeatedly squeezed the trigger with fire bursting out of the barrel like a little cannon.

I squeezed the trigger another time and nothing came out, I emptied the magazine and my shoulder aches. I removed the magazine off the rifle and put both down on the table.

Lennox proceeded to do a small fast clap, slapping his palm with the end of the fingers of his other hand. "Not bad brother, not bad at all" Lennox said now reaching something from his pocket. He pulled out a pistol and started to shoot at the target in rapid succession using one hand to grip the pistol while shooting.

Lennox then removes the magazine of the pistol and rests it on the table as well. "At least your aiming skills aren't tainted by comfort." Said Lennox. "One lesson you should know man, have a gun pointed at everyone you see, even friends. You won't know who will kill you until you least expect it." Lennox continued giving me a serious stare as he did, that's another mental note for me i guess.

Lennox pressed the button again and the dummy was dragged back to the square and the square closed up like nothing happened. Lennox grabbed the rifle and examined it.

"I gave you new goodies for your little lass of a gun here brother, this laser has stronger power compared to the other one, This barrel is longer however I had spare materials to make this thing more light, your grip is more comfortable and can be foldable, either way it's still good to handle, i had the liberty of putting a flashlight on the side just in case." Lennox gets another thing from his pocket, this time it's a suppressor. "This one is the best in the market, every shot out of this thing is just a click sound. The stock is easier to handle and oh," Lennox attaches something to the butt of the stock. "Here, to handle the kick to the shoulder. Forgot to put it before you began shooting, anyways the others also have new stuff on them." Lennox explained.

"Why do you do this Lennox? Why help me with all of this?" I asked Lennox curiosity overwhelming my mind and my words.

"Because I care for my friends Damon, and to prepare you for later. 5 squads in that protest have been overwhelmed and the place were going to is now one of the big ones, there might be people armed with weapons so be careful." Lennox pats me on the shoulder his eyes glaring as if serious with his statement.

After this Lennox begins walking out, "Get ready tomorrow Damon were gonna kill some baddies for sure." Lennox shouted from the doorway with his hand in a dismissive wave. Overwhelmed? The country is probably going to shit as I think, granted that before I became a huntsman the country still had these damn riots. But it grew weaker as other schools provided support, the place was crawling with illegal arms traders making a quick dime as the country grew resentment towards the government for whatever reason.

As I think I began arranging my weapons, putting another magazine to the rifle and putting it back to the closet alongside the flamethrower, the room felt damp and quiet not even the sound of machinery can be heard as if the very walls are just soundproof. Well tomorrow might be good I guess, like Lennox said 'kill some baddies' it isn't honest work but sometimes a clean world can be formed with dirty hands.

Slumber overcame me even my thoughts just like i fell into a hole of slumber and fatigue, I walked out of the room and hastily jumped on my bed, the comfort of lying down on the soft surface of the bed hugged me with comfort as my eyes began closing and my mind quickly fell to sleep. Today ends and tomorrow begins.

sorry for the very late chapter, i was very busy but now we have another one

Razedealercreators' thoughts