
Ji Yuan's mysterious White Ring (1)

The Holy Cultivation Palace.

Ji Yuan was alone in the audience hall with his maidens and his old man that had just arrived.

He had actually wanted to tell the rest of the maidens that he had found his Xia Jiajia and that she was none other than the Great Beyond Goddess.

Although the Great Beyond Goddess had forbidden him from telling anyone about this except for Xu Yifei who was aware of this, he could not help but slipped his tongue as he said to his maidens. "You know, I've found my Jiajia and she is…"

But he discovered that he was always mute when he tried to tell his maidens that Xia Jiajia was actually the Great Beyond Goddess.

Naturally it was because the Great Beyond Goddess had forbidden him to say it and that was the reason why he was unable to say it to anyone.

Ji Yuan was really disappointed that he could not tell his maidens that he had seen his Xia Jiajia once again and that she was really the Great Beyond Goddess.
