
Into the Fallen Gods City (1)

When Ji Yuan returned to his own campsite, he was carrying a brooding look on him.

This is only a one night stand?!

His ego was bruised very badly and badly shaken.

"Ji Yuan, you're back. Can you explain about this grey panties!" Ling Feiyue, Little Princess and Shui Xisi said at the same time.

Little Princess took a look at Shui Xisi, "You claim to have nothing to do with him, why are you so excited for?"

Shui Xisi chuckled, "I am erm…only…trying to help you all to punish an unfaithful rogue like him."

Ji Yuan suddenly had a startled smile on his face as he rushed forward to pick the grey panties from Ling Feiyue, "Thank you, this is mine."

"This is yours?! You've got a fetish or what? This is obviously a maiden's panties!" All the maidens gasped at almost the same time with great disbelief.

Then Ji Yuan muttered almost absent-minded, "It is all over now. I'm doomed now."
